Ants in outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Do ants like weed? because i had a baby plant in a plastic milk container that had the top cutoff and today when i went to put it in bigger pot there were these rather small black ants in it.. everywhere. I hope they arent eating it :| what can i do to kill them? Could it be from watering with molases-water? :S how can i kill these critters without ruining the plant? Cheers


Active Member
ants are BAD they milk aphids and green fly for their sweet excretions called honeydew,and the ants end up `farming` them. more ants = more aphids. stand your pot on some bricks in a tray of water,so you have a moat the ants cannot cross


Active Member
i have this same prob indoors, how the hell i dont know, i tryed soaking under water till the bubbles stoped and transplanted..... but yet the lil fuckers are still there my advice is get some spray like i am, KILL THEM FUCKS but leave the plant smokeabul


Active Member
okay so prob is gone and plants are fine i went and got some raid ant baits and its harmless to my plants and killed the basterds