Any activists here?


Well-Known Member
It turns out my school charges $180 a semester for access to it's gym. I already have a membership to a gym and I think it's ridiculous that we all have to pay that much for it so I called the tuition department and asked if it is refundable for students that don't use it. They said it's not refundable, but I was thinking maybe I'm just not pushing them to change their policy.

I would even consider starting a petition for other students to sign so we have the option to pay for a membership or not. You think this is a bad idea or would cause a bad relationship for me as a new student with my school?

The other consideration is that the gym "recreation center" seems pretty huge and look brand new and high-tech and maybe it's the schools efforts to pay for the construction, but still..
It's highly unlikely you will win that one but you could try
Even in Canada we pay for a gym fee

On one hand it is helpful for the other students who do use it it helps create a lower cost

Secondly how would anyone know who has a membership and who doesn't ?
My schools gym yu could just walk in
So if your proposed idea went through than the college would need to hire students to watch the front doors to make sure everyone has a gym membership
Making the people who do have one price go up

Depending where you live the school may not be able to just drop the gym membership price it may be a state or a provincial matter making it having to go to a school board appeal and resolution with government leaders
I just want to add that if you do do this
You're going to need be heavily proactive
you can't just create a petition it won't circle around Enough and you will ultimately fail your goal
So anytime you're not in class you'll need to be spreading awareness talking to people setting up rally's and protests
Along with information booklet handouts on your cause and why people should care

Setting up booths in the main hallways
Creating social media awareness

Proactively speaking about it everyday and writing to media

Do you really have time to do all that over 180$ for a whole semester

Schools have so many hidden fees in the end it doesn't matter cause tuition itself is too goddamn high anyways
I just want to add that if you do do this
You're going to need be heavily proactive
you can't just create a petition it won't circle around Enough and you will ultimately fail your goal
So anytime you're not in class you'll need to be spreading awareness talking to people setting up rally's and protests
Along with information booklet handouts on your cause and why people should care

Setting up booths in the main hallways
Creating social media awareness

Proactively speaking about it everyday and writing to media

Do you really have time to do all that over 180$ for a whole semester

Schools have so many hidden fees in the end it doesn't matter cause tuition itself is too goddamn high anyways

Thanks Sunni, you definitely can't just walk in the gym but with everything else you mentioned I guess is it's not worth the time.

I know they definitely would be pissed. I thought it might have been easier...
Thanks Sunni, you definitely can't just walk in the gym but with everything else you mentioned I guess is it's not worth the time.

I know they definitely would be pissed. I thought it might have been easier...
College students protest all the time the school wouldn't mind they are most likely not the ones who made the gym membership mandatory for all students I highly doubt they would give two shits

You're better off getting a group of people who are deeply passionate about the subject at hand in order to make it work
Doing it on you're own you would end up failing and dropping out of classes

Unfortunately I just don't see people getting really deeply passionate over 180$ gym membership they may or may not use

I suggest you quit your gym membership if you can and use your schools i did that in college
Take advantage of it
It's very convenient to be able to use it whenever you have time between classes etc
College students protest all the time the school wouldn't mind they are most likely not the ones who made the gym membership mandatory for all students I highly doubt they would give two shits

You're better off getting a group of people who are deeply passionate about the subject at hand in order to make it work
Doing it on you're own you would end up failing and dropping out of classes

Unfortunately I just don't see people getting really deeply passionate over 180$ gym membership they may or may not use

I suggest you quit your gym membership if you can and use your schools i did that in college
Take advantage of it
It's very convenient to be able to use it whenever you have time between classes etc
Thank you Sunni. They have some decent stuff like rock climbing so I might just do that..
It turns out my school charges $180 a semester for access to it's gym. I already have a membership to a gym and I think it's ridiculous that we all have to pay that much for it so I called the tuition department and asked if it is refundable for students that don't use it. They said it's not refundable, but I was thinking maybe I'm just not pushing them to change their policy.

I would even consider starting a petition for other students to sign so we have the option to pay for a membership or not. You think this is a bad idea or would cause a bad relationship for me as a new student with my school?

The other consideration is that the gym "recreation center" seems pretty huge and look brand new and high-tech and maybe it's the schools efforts to pay for the construction, but still..
It's a good idea. Use social media also. They dislike bad PR. Just be respectful, state your case and refrain from foul language. Good luck.
Stage a protest. Oh how I wish I were alive in the 60's. The protests look pretty awesome.
It's a good idea. Use social media also. They dislike bad PR. Just be respectful, state your case and refrain from foul language. Good luck.
Stage a protest. Oh how I wish I were alive in the 60's. The protests look pretty awesome.
Way more effort involved in that I've done lots of protesting and campaigns

It's way more than some social media and stating a case
Hours and hours and hours are put into these
Way more effort involved in that I've done lots of protesting and campaigns

It's way more than some social media and stating a case
Hours and hours and hours are put into these
Hey sunni I just read your sigs are you a vegan?
I haven't looked into it but I'm pretty sure
Gym membership is a provincial or state wide / county wide thing that all schools do
It would need to be brought to the head of education board in order to be resolved

In order to bring your case towards that you need to make a case
He would need several students helping that are passionate about the issue
First he would need to know why the 180$ is for all students
He than would need to dig around in law and see what actually can be done to resolve the issue

Than he would need to campaign and bring awareness with
Reasoning and a fair and compromising resolution to the board of education

But before that his issue needs to be herd by students adults
Awareness is key here booths rally's social media and regular media

Than all proper dresses he will bring his case to the proper people with his reasonable proposed idea of resolution plus a petition
And have a hearing of comprismise

Way more than a social media group

So it's a shit ton of work for what 180$? On a gym membership he should use cause it's more convenient anyways
I eat vegan I'm not a vegan makes me sound like a alien group lo
Me too and I don't like the label either xD That's so cool!! But for me it's just on my diet.. I'm more of a fruitarian :) I'm so happy to hear that, I can tell you got awesome vibrations ;;)
Me too and I don't like the label either xD That's so cool!! But for me it's just on my diet.. I'm more of a fruitarian :) I'm so happy to hear that, I can tell you got awesome vibrations ;;)

I'm going to assume you're school has some sort of club for vegetarians and vegans
Join that if you're feeling activisty
I'm going to assume you're school has some sort of club for vegetarians and vegans
Join that if you're feeling activisty
I don't think I would want to do that right now :( but I just checked out the clubs and it looks like there isn't even one.. but thanks for the recommendation cause I found another club I like :)

I got an email the other day for this volunteer program that I'm more interested in I haven't really traveled anywhere and for the thailand trip you get to work with elephants and cultivate plants :D :D :D

The only thing is I had two different people email me from school for the program so I'm thinking that there might be some motivation behind their recruitment so I might apply directly online rather than through the school

WAIT A MINUTE, I just found out you have to pay I thought it was free to go ahh no wonder they were trying to recruit you gotta pay like $5000
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It turns out my school charges $180 a semester for access to it's gym. I already have a membership to a gym and I think it's ridiculous that we all have to pay that much for it so I called the tuition department and asked if it is refundable for students that don't use it. They said it's not refundable, but I was thinking maybe I'm just not pushing them to change their policy.

I would even consider starting a petition for other students to sign so we have the option to pay for a membership or not. You think this is a bad idea or would cause a bad relationship for me as a new student with my school?

The other consideration is that the gym "recreation center" seems pretty huge and look brand new and high-tech and maybe it's the schools efforts to pay for the construction, but still..
I think you mean armchair activists lol