Any Advice?(New Patient 1st Grow)


Any one got any advice or next step tips?
The jest so far: I am a new medical marajuana patient and I have 4 femenized plants going (exdous cheese, speed devil [auto-flower], big bang, declious la diva [auto-flower] I have a 500w blackstar led hanging, and the light behind it is a T5 High 8-bulb 40,000 lumens flourencent and also i have 2 fans, 1 rotating fan in front and 1 is a still fan hanging on the on side. I am nervous about wattering becauuse i water every outher day and before i water pot is 10 pounds each, and after they are 12 pounds am i doing it right? and currecnt both lights run 24/7 they are about 10 after germination so whats my next step? mabey 20/4 light cycle then 12/12 when flowering comes around? Thanks for you input. (ps i add little bit of basic mircle grow nuteirnts)


Bobby Fuse

Active Member
maybe a closer pic could help,

You have more than enough light that for sure.

you seem to be adding about 2 0z. of water, every other day might be a bit much im not sure how big your pots are.

as far as 24/7 lights IMO its wasting electricity.

This might help you alot better... go to google. type in (and then your question) IE how often to water

read read read read and read.

on just that question there are over 40,000 posts....

keep smokingbongsmilie have a good one :-)


Active Member
your going to need to get some fresh air in there, maye at the minute you will e ok ut when they start growing you will def need to expel all the ad air and get some fresh air in, i personally think its one of the most important things which is sometimes overlooked y new growers. also dont worry aout over watering. what i mean is its ok to water heavy in one go but the problems arise when you water again too soon after. theres a thread by riddleme in this section and i would say to start your reading there, thers a lot in it but its defo worth it.
you have said what nutes you are using but you did not mention what soil you were using, i only mention this because most soils have enough nutes for a few weeks and you may burn small plants if adding nutes a little too early.
the only thing i would say is that you seem to be doing autos aswell as photo period plants, autos ive heard(not done) do better on 18 hour days but when your photo plants are ready to flower they will need 12 hours light. its something thats worth looking into.
as stated read as much as you can and youll soon get the hang of it.
good luck, they are looking fine