any advice??????


Hi everybody,,
its my first time growin. I got seeds with some of my stuff and just thought i would experiment. Now its been about 17 days since sprouting. I dont even know what kinda weed they are. They are all different Can someone please tell me what breed they r? One plants leaves are curling and drying out so i cut the dried damaged leaves off. will the help at all? what could the problem be? they r in miracle grow potting soil with moisture control and i water them every 2 days and give them nutes once a week. light 24 hours 1 floresent 15 watt mini tube light and 1 100 watt cfl.. thnx and ne kind of advice would be nice


Looks like a pretty heavy indica. The problem could be any number of things. Dont be lazy and do some research here and narrow down your problems. My guess is your lights are too close or your over ferting, young plants need very little if any ferts. Put them in bigger pots too. But overall they are lookin pretty lush and healthy for 17 days. Nice job, but you need MOREEEEEEEEE light.


Active Member
Could be PH, Could be PPM Could be Over/Under Watering....

Check your PH of run off, make sure its reasonable...

Dont think its your lights, cause its the bottom leaves yellowing which is usually a feeding situation. And some of your leave's edge's have begin to brown which is obviously PH level being wrong or to many Nutes.

Check your PH and PPM, if no meter just get the liquid PH test from store and stay about 6 or 7, and as far nutes might wanna back em off ah little.


Active Member
Whats up man, first off stop giving the plants nutes. They are getting everything they need from the soil. it should feed them for three months alone. add water and maybe a little mollassas. Second its time to step up the light program. HG supply has some really awesome deals on ebay. Hit me up if you have any questions . peace