I'm a self taught leftie. Even though my pops always kept guitars,banjos,mandolins around the house. I was never allowed to play them but just as soon as mom and dad left the house I had all his shit in the living room banging on them like I knew what I was doing. I developed a love of music from those instruments. When my dad died I ended up with them all plus several of my own. I love the guitars both electric and acoustic.I've been fortunate enough to have had several friends with the skills to teach me some songs over the years. Hell, I even tried to play conventional for a while but gave up on that idea some years ago it was just to difficult. I don't read music. I strictly play by ear and Learn mostly from listening to music I like.
Nothing relaxes me more than picking up a guitar and just playing. My only regret is that my dad didn't see the desire I had in wanting to learn how to play ! I'm currently working with my granddaughter on some things. She always seems curious when I go to the back where I keep everything. I even bought her a small guitar last year. The music world better be on the look out for Delilah Grace !
Good post Rev.
I tried to get my two sons into it one of 10 and one of 6 but they have no interest whatsoever.... Unless they hear a drum solo on planet rock then they get in the groove!!
I like the fact your grand daughter doesnt need a "push" and sees interest