Any body had any luck with bag seed? Pics welcome

Yea, In February I started 4 seeds I found from a bag of some less than awesome nug that my friend had(finding that many seeds in one bag is not normally a good sign) and 3 turned out females. They are about 2 weeks from being chopped down and man do they look great. I like to think that we got lucky though; this may not always be the case. Ill try and post some pics soon. Good luck!


Active Member
hey i was wondering cant you tell from counter the shooters if its 9 leaf its female if its less its male? or is that far fetched


Well-Known Member
A few more. Sorry I can't tell what they are before I post. But it's all bag seed.bubbler 002.jpgnew cfl grow 007.jpgnew cfl grow 006.jpg


SWEET!!! This thread seems to be a success so far. + rep for pics. KEEP POSTIN THEM PICS!!!!!!! GOT FOUR NICE LADIES BEGINNING SECOND WEEK IN FLWR. hoping for quality and a little quantity wouldn't be bad either. came from mersh


my first grow was from bagseed in a closet in nebraska. it was some bombass hydro indica somethin and some straight mexi sativa. i collected good seeds from bags for years but i ended up with many and didn't know what to use. now if I ever come across some seeds in a bag i want to keep, i put a note with them for the flavor, the high and just a brief description of the nugs just to clarify if i ever wanted to johnny appleseed them shits.