ESE(Exceptional Student Education) I had these classes in middle school.ESE is kind of a slow learning progress classes that teachers may put students in,if they have a learning disability,or behavior problems like I had.Now the parent has to agree to place the child in those classes bcuz its not up to the teachers.It's basically just easy as shit work,not those classes with kids with down syndrom,but rather a easy education equaling a easy diploma.When people graduate with these diplomas,you can not attend universities,but you can go to local community colleges,and thats where they fuck you,I had a teacher tell me straight up,if your in these classes you can't and won't get a scollarship or be able to attend a university.TO ALL PARENTS IF YOUR READING THIS,DO NOT LET THESE TEACHERS TALK YOU INTO PUTTING YOUR CHILD IN ESE CLASSES,I REPEAT DO NOT.And its kind of fucked up,not allowing these kids graduating with ESE diploma's go to a university,its kind of like them saying,no your not smart enough,or were waisting our time with you.These school systems actually get paid to keep these kids in these classes too.