Any Central Texas Growers??


Well-Known Member
Hey all just curious if there are any Central Texas outdoor growers for the summer
Just wantin to ask what kind of conditions i need to worry bout becuase im thinkin about growin for next summer..

I would pick out prob a 12x12 area and put as many 5 gal buckets as i can put up an 8 foot fence with some "weed barrier" on the western side of it so i don't get burnt all afternoon in that 100+ degree weather let them get some shade from the hot sinking sun

don't worry i will be giving these girls plenty plenty plenty of water, was thinking of putting some clay from a pond mixed into my soil mixture for some extra soil moisture control thats in the ground naturally there

Any tips or suggestions Texas growers?? What should I expect? Should I take extra precautions towards _____?

Im prob going to just plant reggie seeds and give them some organic nutes my dad has around...I know i can make some pretty good reggie turn good i bet with as much as i've read here

Sound like a decent idea at least?

you know thge good thing about outdoor growing in central Texas?they dont give ashit unless its over 10,000 plants,and then they give you plenty of notice by calling all media outlets and then litteraly bulldoze across some ranch to collect the contraband narcotics then fly it out under a helicopter.LMAO every summer!
I'm on the coast bro but have to deal with the same problems and environment you do, I'm a noob so don't rape me for advice lol but I'll tell you what I can.
Bounty of Nature 027.jpgIf you've got the space to do it without worry of direct observation on the ground you're good. Just take precautions and don't go for the MC-Gusto by planting 20 or 30 plants.
Dude 8 plants 2 plants per strain grown outdoors is going to give you buds aplenty for the year. This pic is what you get from a few outdoor plants. Stash is max'ed out and I'm good till next year.
I was thinking no more than 10 plants. But my problem is i really won't have a way to get quality genetics, unless i save up some money each month and before school ends get some quality seeds sent to my college house before my lease is up and start em up during summer....

problem is...i wanna veg them for at LEAST 2 months before i even think about planting them for the summer...i know sounds a bit unreasonable right now but hell if i can get 4 goooood sized vegged plants id be really happy with that because i know they will grow big. but i would also have to invest in ANOTHER grow box because my dad found mine and disposed of it 1 day BEFORE i moved into my college house

Anyone got some good strains if i am to buy some quality genetics? i was thinking Kaya Gold, a nirvana strain that is supposedly good for harsh environments such as Texas
I am open to any suggestions about strains, i would LOVE some super dank TGA stuff but not too sure how outside in Texas they would do >.<

For soil i was thinking about mixing up a couple bags of FF OF with some EarthGrow soil that is for sale cheap at my local hardware store and mixed both soils together with some of that clay i was talkin bout in my first post for extra moisture control for my hot texas summer dry as fk heat

Original plan- Reggie bag seed, mixture of FFOF and Earthgrow + Clay, and Molasses + Fish Emulsion and 6-10 5 gallon buckets
You can get around the heat and water, but man, I STILL have grasshoppers grubbing my shit! ( I combo indoors and outdoors). As to the clay, it could work mixing it, but I would dry it out b4 trying(the blackland clay we have is super sticky and will just clump, like cat poop in a litterbox with your ff all stuck to the outside) ( unless you want to knead it like, well, clay. ). I personally just compost everything and amend my soils with it. Any other ??'s I'll try to help.
Grasshoppers are a plenty where im at it FKin sucks!!!

I wouldn't mind doing bag seed at all, but if i were to get some sort of quality genetics what kinds would you recommend? If any?

Where im at the clay is tan/pink ish I am not too sure about the clay idea but i was just thinking i could possibly use it as some sort of water holder for during all day so it doesn't get dried up completely in my buckets

Any grasshopper ideas on how to get rid of them? sad part is they are literally EVERYWHERE
Strain isn't really an issue in Texas, I've grown lots of indicas, sativas, and everything in between but if it's a bad year it's just a bad year. Texas is known for extremes, it's either flooding or a drought so just be prepared for the worst and you won't be disappointed. Grasshoppers in central east Texas where I'm at don't really hang out too long in any given place so they aren't a problem for mediun/large healthy plants.
But what if i wanted to grow some TGA Strains how well do you think they would do outdoors in that hot ass texas sun???

thats mainly my worry...i would love to get some quality strains but i will go for reggie bagseed if necessary
Sativas do grow better and indicas are better off shaded after 3pm during july and after 2:30pm in august. My best plants have come from 60-70% sativa or higher but if you grow your indicas shaded you can get some really nice plants. My property is slightly slanted so my grow areas get bigger every year with run-off. I use my used indoor Root's soil and just dump it on the ground for next year's patches. Clay is good, it's only 6-8 inches below my top soil so once you have a good root system it acts as a sponge and helps your plants from wilting away in our heat.
Yea see i was thinking that i would really want that clay in my grow because i figured it would do exactly that for this heat. +Rep thanks :D

Seems that not many Texas growers are here :(
Hey there Krokaine im a central texas grower. Only on the end of my 2nd grow but they are both outside. First was K2 i might have some old pics of it somewhere, and 2nd is Kali mist(it has been doing amazing despite all the probs its had out there this year).

2010-11-16 16.13.29.jpg2010-11-16 16.13.01.jpg2010-11-16 16.14.07.jpg

You will notice almost all my Fan leaves are missing. Its cuz she got a bad pass of Leaf miners about 5 weeks ago. lil bastards spread pretty fast over night, i had left them on to get some pics and find out what happened. Was a big mistake cuz they were on top ones and the eggs had fallen to lower branches. Took me almost a full week of trimming them every day to get them all off. lil sis even got them but when i caught hers early it was np. The other problem i had is our FKing texas wind, i lost a large branch to one of our freak over night windstorms.

2010-10-28 10.19.12.jpg2010-10-28 10.22.30.jpg

Cant find the leaf miner pics, but heres a few of lil sis.

2010-11-16 16.12.01.jpg2010-11-16 16.11.23.jpg

Oh before i forget this is what i use for soil, is seems to work great outside.
Its a 50x50 mix of these 2 premades.
Bio Terra Plus(soilless mix)
white peat is supplemented with shredded tree bark that has natural anti-fungus properties, organic ingredients such as bone meal, bat guano.
Ocean Forest Soil
composted forest humus and selected peat mosses, earthworm castings, bat guano, and micronutrients. It is light in texture and well aerated...a premium blend of good things from the earth and the sea. A powerful blend of Pacific Northwest sea-going fish, crab meal, shrimp meal, and plenty of our own earthworm castings.
Yea see i was thinking that i would really want that clay in my grow because i figured it would do exactly that for this heat. +Rep thanks :D

Seems that not many Texas growers are here :(

As long as it's the tan/pink clay, that's what I've had experience with. Also it takes a year or two for the potting soil and ammendments to really start conditioning the clay. Once your organic goodness becomes one with the clay your wartering becomes easier.
Hey Badzad, that kali mist is amazing. I like the way you have it held up like that, that's how I grow my tomatoes. I haven't tried the newer chronic with the ak added but I've got ak47 going now and seem to be stuck on it.
its a square tomatoe cage i can wrap around them when they get bigger and prop up the branches i need. Then its ziptied to the pot in 4 spots.