Any clues..?


Active Member
Hello everyone first I will go through how I'm growing and some key factors that might help.

1 mother in iws ebb and flood with hydrotone as her medium.

Lights are green lantern 12 on 5.5 off 1 on 5.5 off repeat.

Day temps 26*c - 28*c and night can drop to as low as 19*c

She is flooded 3 times during lights on spread out evenly.

Feeding solution RO water with GHE 3 part E.C @ 2.0 and ph at 5.7.

Ok so I have been tying her main cola growth down and this seems to be growing nice but the growth that is coming up in the centre is deformed. I will post a pic, this is confusing me alot hope someone can help.

If you need any additional information please ask.


Active Member
Just to add i am using a 400w HPS with lots of ventalation in the tent that is 1.2m x 1.2m

overall growth:

Deformed leafs:


Active Member
you have 1st and 2nd stage thrips my friend. They are hopping between your plant and your rez munchin on leaves whenever they want :P
Use a good insecticide to spray down your plant but spray EVERYTHING...these buggers are tiny and can hop when they are little
in a couple weeks you might find flying thrips if you dont kill em now.

Also use a weak insecticide to use on your rez that is ok to touch roots. Dont use Gognats in your rez though...its horrible and clogs up everything!

Good luck!


Active Member
Hi Buds ~ No i havnt been using H2O2 in this grow i have only been cleaning weekly with this.

Hi CannabisCulture ~ DAM.. I have looked every were with a scope but i cant see these little critters any were i guess they must be VERY small! I have a 20 site aero cloner should i bin all my cuttings and start again id like to nip this in the bud wile its earlie! Its strange because i growth has not slowed down at all if not its sped up been getting over an inch growth everynight.

Some additional photos.

12. November



If anyone has some good suggestions on pesticide for foliage and roots to get rid of theese little pests that would be a great help. Personal experience is always best to follow.

Thanks for all your help.
