any comments about Mr Greens videos on youtube??


Well-Known Member
You know the Mr Green videos on youtube? the ones where the dude paints himself green? Im a total noob but his videos were real easy to follow and Im planning to base a lot of my first grow off of his tutorial.

Can any more experienced growers provide a commentary on what they think of the videos accuracy and how they feel regarding myself using his drip feed system for vegging AND flowering as well as using a 600w HPS setup for the entire process?? Much obliged...

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Hydroton in a pot then in the tray, not a big ol tray of hydroton. Try to start with pre-sexed clones instead of seeds if it is possible, it will save you a lot of time. Other than that keep it simple and while watching it grow is fun, playing with them too much is bad.


Well-Known Member
Hydroton in a pot then in the tray, not a big ol tray of hydroton. Try to start with pre-sexed clones instead of seeds if it is possible, it will save you a lot of time. Other than that keep it simple and while watching it grow is fun, playing with them too much is bad.
Thanks. But you mean hydroton in a pot until when? when do i switch it to the tray?

also, once i bury the rock wool cubes in the hydroton, where do i put the little drip nozzles? in the hydroton next to the plant or keep it in the rock wool?

Again, thanks

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I mean get a planting pot, and fill it with hydroton halfway, then put your RW cube in there and cover it with more hydroton (don't cover the plant) and now you have easily movable vessels so you can change your setup and move your plants without injuring their root systems.

Keep reading guides around the internet, read peoples grow journals. that is the best advice I can give you.


Well-Known Member
I mean get a planting pot, and fill it with hydroton halfway, then put your RW cube in there and cover it with more hydroton (don't cover the plant) and now you have easily movable vessels so you can change your setup and move your plants without injuring their root systems.

Keep reading guides around the internet, read peoples grow journals. that is the best advice I can give you.

ok i gotcha. thanks. yea ive been reading grow journals on here and they are extrmeley helpful, but alot of people never finish them. oh well ill keep researching.

what about the drip nozzle question?

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
I did a journal more for help if I needed it than anything else. Now I am confident I can take care of myself so I don't like advertising if I don't need to. If you use hosing you can just put the drip nozzles where ever you want, but keep in mind there are other options than drip feeding. Drip feeding supposedly takes vigilance to keep the drippers clean.


Well-Known Member
I watched his video along with others. I got the basic ideas of the stuff in action. I took a lot of good notes, and compared my notes from the video with posts and information on here to refine my notes and develop what I'm going to do today.


Well-Known Member
It's an ebb and flow system for flowering though, and you are describing it like his veg setup which is a drip system. Don't mix them up, you want ebb and flow in the flowering area and I like that idea of using pots to hold the hydroton so you can move them around. If you're using a 600w hps in flower than you will want a 4x4 or slightly larger tray. When you put the cubes in the flowering area you only want 1/4" or so of the bottom of the cube to sit in the water when it's at flood level, not flooding over the whole thing.

There is better than ebb and flow btw. If you are using seperate pots maybe you should just look into bubble buckets (hempy buckets) or other methods like that so you don't need a 4x4 tray, those are kind of expensive and aero does work a little better than ebb and flow.

Either way I like his methods and if you decide you do want to follow them you'll do fine as long as you always watch your rockwool to make sure you're never drowning plants. At first you'll only need water every couple of days when rooting and vegging while they're still small..


Well-Known Member
His grow is terrible IMO.

4 plants that were vegged as big as they were only producing an oz each? You can get an oz from a plant just sticking it into flower straight as a clone.

His tray full of hydrotron meant little to no room for his roots, try a bucket like suggested above.


well i just spend the last 2 hours watching all of those videos.

I thought they were awesome.

At first he really creeped me out, i may have nightmares.
but the room he made was very nice(even tho im a dirt man, hydro seems 2 hard) and it gave me nice ideas for my own.

Very usefull info thanks for the post.:clap:


Well-Known Member
He didn't do anything for odor control. Just hooked up a squirrel cage fan and ran a hose to the outside. Hope he didnt have close neighbors.


Well-Known Member
whats with that deep chester whisper voice.. i dontg know i see that guy on a play ground passin out candy..


Well-Known Member
It's an ebb and flow system for flowering though, and you are describing it like his veg setup which is a drip system. Don't mix them up, you want ebb and flow in the flowering area and I like that idea of using pots to hold the hydroton so you can move them around. If you're using a 600w hps in flower than you will want a 4x4 or slightly larger tray. When you put the cubes in the flowering area you only want 1/4" or so of the bottom of the cube to sit in the water when it's at flood level, not flooding over the whole thing.

There is better than ebb and flow btw. If you are using seperate pots maybe you should just look into bubble buckets (hempy buckets) or other methods like that so you don't need a 4x4 tray, those are kind of expensive and aero does work a little better than ebb and flow.

Either way I like his methods and if you decide you do want to follow them you'll do fine as long as you always watch your rockwool to make sure you're never drowning plants. At first you'll only need water every couple of days when rooting and vegging while they're still small..
i understand the difference between the ebb/flow and drip feed system but as a i stated in my orgininal question I was curious if i could use the drip feed for both veg and flowering or do u recomend another setup? i gotta use the same one for both due to space and financial concerns. aewseom advice though so far, thanks a million oregonmeds and everyone else!!


Well-Known Member
i will deffnately take the suggestion to use big pots (3 gallon ok for indicas??) as supposed to a tray filled with hydroton. that was also another major concern of mine; why he only got that much weight after harvesting? and i guess theres my answer.

the video was just very easy to follow and he covers alot of ground. glad i ran it buy everyone here though first. Thanks to all. this site is ta shiznit!

I will be growing around 5-7 indica plants (skunkberry/ purple/ g13) plants in my 4ft wide, 2ft deep, 8 feet tall closet (for both veg and flower) using his drip feed system, 3 gallon containers filled with hydroton and 600w HPS setup. what do you guys think??

Thanks spork you, oregon meds and everyone else. unreal site we got going here!!


Well-Known Member
3 gallon in a 5 gallon??/either way buckets with a drip is fuckin sweet.just make sure you veg in the rocks for at least a couple weeks .. in the buckets it seems if you try to grow the roots perfect everything else falls into place..go for massive roots


Active Member
Use drip rings in each 5 gallon bucket and if you want to really go for maximum aeration add airstones to each as well.

Use a good guard for the root zone - H202 or Hygrozyme - watch the temps and test your pH and PPM weekly at minimum. There is much less shift in the veg stage than flowering in bucket systems.

Big healthy roots = big, high-yielding flowers!

Boom! :fire: