Any current or former Paint Huffers here?

Why do they use gold paint?
Gold and silver gives you a better high. Not sure why, but true huffers go for those colors. Must be stronger in colorant/smell.

I've never huffed spray paint but I did inhale "duster" one time when i was 15 at the Y. Keyboard cleaner 100× stronger than whippits. Damn we were dumb.
Had a friend who sniffed some kind of a solvent as a kid, claimed it was one of the best highs. Normally that would entice me, but he was an idiot so no.
Because when I read this forum I often get the impression there are at least a few people that are huffing paint before commenting.


Fess up!
Paint huffers are toluene huffer wanna-bees.
It was pretty neat to discover the xylene we used to extract mescaline from cacti, was the same cool stuff that used to be in marker pens that made you feel nice while colouring..
