Any danger for health ?


Hello guys, i'm starting a grow tent in my ward robe that would be 20' X 60 ' X 80' approximetly, I think I could fit about 8-10 plants up to maturity.

My question is : Since the grow tent will be in the room I sleep in, is there any danger for my own health ? Having to breathe the CO2 and air toxins ?

I was thinking of putting a carbon filter for an exhaust and try to figure out how to make Ambiant air pressure > Growing air pressure so the air stays in the tent.

I have never grown marijuana ever in my life and english is my second language so, I apologize for my lack of semantics.

Feel free to correct any mistake or misunderstanding I may have

Thank you !
Lol you can't do need to create negative pressure in the tent which causes evacuation of the air inside and the tent sucks inward a bit..the reason for this is the plants need the air exchange. Nothing is bad for you sleeping near plants in fact that creates a symbiotic effect you can breathe off of each other. The only thing that could be bad for you is the nasty chemicals in the plastic to make the tent. some of the off brands off gas nasty vocs so if the tent smells bad out of the box send it back and get a better brand. only way to keep the tent closed and keep the air in is if you have co2 set up.
Also you have a fundamental flaw in your thinking...co2 is already in your room and in higher concentrations than even outside. Plants use the co2 so if anything their would be less in the air not more, they release oxygen..also co2 falls, its heavier than oxygen so unless you sleep on the floor you won't breathe in much co2 while you sleep anyway
Lol you can't do need to create negative pressure in the tent which causes evacuation of the air inside and the tent sucks inward a bit..the reason for this is the plants need the air exchange. Nothing is bad for you sleeping near plants in fact that creates a symbiotic effect you can breathe off of each other. The only thing that could be bad for you is the nasty chemicals in the plastic to make the tent. some of the off brands off gas nasty vocs so if the tent smells bad out of the box send it back and get a better brand. only way to keep the tent closed and keep the air in is if you have co2 set up.

I'm looking to buy this tent :

They say it's non-Toxic but is it something I can trust them with ? ( or its just marketing tool) do you have any knowledge of someone had issues with theses tents ?

Also, if I understand correctly, a CO2 set up would create negative pressure inside my tent, is that right ?
Tbh I couldn't tell you on the tent off brands are hit or miss and that site doesn't even give a brand. The biggest problem I've seen is some people saying they aren't totally light proof so I bought mine based off of a tent comparison done by I chose the growlab brand here is a link to their similar size and I can guarantee no smell problems and a great constructed tent I think it was 87 dollars more here but its worth it

No you only want the negative pressure when you don't use co2..negative pressure means you're puling the air out fast enough that air can't leave any other hole in the tent because of the draw from the exhaust is causing every other hole to suck in only, this is how an exhaust filter can stop smell from leaving other places..if you have co2 you can then keep a closed system without worrying about air exchange so you can run with no exhaust or intake..I would not adviser trying this unless you have extra cash and some more experience under your belt
My plants are in the room where i sleep, It's like aroma therapy :). Doubt it can hurt you
I would only be worried about any pesticides used. I use neem oil, which is supposed to be safe, but I don't like the smell of it. I wouldn't want to sleep by it.
The DEA makes it pretty clear that is IS dangerous to have marijuana plants in your home. Just take their word for it and don't ask questions. They are around to protect you from yourself.
Bugeye, it might look absurb to you that I am asking this question but keep in mind, this is the newbie section where a newbie ask a legitimate question about his own health/security.

If you want to troll, go somewhere else.

Otherwise you are welcome to add anything constructive

By the way, I live in Canada in a northern region, should still be worried enough about bugs during winter to use pesticide ? ( I would guess not )
It happens that I see spiders in my home
Bugeye, it might look absurb to you that I am asking this question but keep in mind, this is the newbie section where a newbie ask a legitimate question about his own health/security.

If you want to troll, go somewhere else.

Otherwise you are welcome to add anything constructive


It was an attempt at political irony and I apologize for the FAIL. I will take my contempt for the DEA to an appropriate thread! Good luck, you will be perfectly safe as long as the products you use are safe - no joke.
Your health will improve (slightly) if you sleep in the same room as your plant, because it will create fresh oxygen for you to breath, just like any other plant. Don't create negative pressure in your grow tent, just like in a computer case negative pressure will attract too much dust. There will be less CO2 in the room than there would be without the plant, unless you make extra CO2 (yeast fermentation, baking soda and vinegar, etc.) but even then the levels won't be high enough to hurt you at all. There will be no air toxins unless you spray something toxic on the plant, which I would advise you not to do. Also I don't think bugeye was trolling you he was just making a joke. Sarcasm just doesn't translate well to text, especially in a second language, so its understandable to miss the punchline. Good luck!
Thank you guys.

I'll start with CFL light, 1 of 23W, 1600LM for each plant.

Ill have about 12-14 plants to start.

is it an overkill to start with ?
Seems like a lot for your first time, but that's just me. Also, I'm not sure that's enough light for the whole grow. There are a lot of people here that do nice work with CFL's so maybe they can advise you on that. Good Luck!
I have been educating myself alot, I know some friends that grow themselves, I can afford the initial investment.

I like to live life on the fast track.

I was aware that CFL might not be enough even If I use a grow tent.

Probly gonna add some hps bulbs when the vegetative cycle is over and flowering starts.
Thank you guys.

I'll start with CFL light, 1 of 23W, 1600LM for each plant.

Ill have about 12-14 plants to start.

is it an overkill to start with ?

Make it a bit like a test run, and try different growing methods which you may apply later on, and see which fits the best for you. awsum :leaf::bigjoint:

It was an attempt at political irony and I apologize for the FAIL. I will take my contempt for the DEA to an appropriate thread! Good luck, you will be perfectly safe as long as the products you use are safe - no joke.
No fail Bugeye. I live in the EU, but can relate to this... (unfortunately)

PS: For that many plants I'd use either fluorescent tubes or MH. ....Personally the combination of both.
Your tent would be to small for that many plants and you need about 20 more cfls for that tent for adequate light. You should shoot for at least 200 actual watts per plant. Also you cant just use hps bulbs you need a ballast a bulb an air cooled reflector etc. I would advise you read alot more before you grow. You are missing alot of important info
Your tent would be to small for that many plants and you need about 20 more cfls for that tent for adequate light. You should shoot for at least 200 actual watts per plant. Also you cant just use hps bulbs you need a ballast a bulb an air cooled reflector etc. I would advise you read alot more before you grow. You are missing alot of important info

yeah, you are right. After viewing Mr. Green documentary I figured how little I actually know.

I was thinking of starting way more plants than would fit in expectation of having males, having unhealthy plants... etc
But I found that many websites actually sell feminized seeds. A friend of mine has recommended this one : Any feedback on this one ?
I'm about to buy 5 feminized seeds of White widow + 5 feminized seeds of Northen lights for 93,06$ CAD, they also give out 10 mixed seeds free on top of it. Is this a good deal ?

I also figured how to clone plants. So i'll probly start with 2 plants and clone up to 8 plants I would say.
ill build myself a 2nd room for the vegetative cycle and do the flowering in my tent at a certain point.

I didnt get want is the solution he uses to dip the stem of the clone before replanting it ?

I'll also gear up for the hydroponic way of feeding off nutriments.
Another question : What actually matters concerning the light is not the wattage ( power ) of it, its the amount of lumen it provides, right ?