any easy recipes for using good bud, not trim for cannabutter?


Active Member
i went through about 15 pages of this forum, and either it isn't really there or i missed it flat out.

i'm getting 7 grams today. i wanna take this q and make butter so we can make brownies either tonight or tomorrow.

i have found many many many recipes using trim. i'm using good bud, so i know i need to alter the recipee.

i get the basics of doing it, boild the water, adding butter, straining, etc... i got that part outlined.

what i can't find is how much good bud to butter ratio i should be using.

i smoke everyday so my tolerance is up there, and i have made baked goods so many time and they always come out horrible. so i want this time to shine.

so how much butter shoooulllddd i be using for this q?

thank you!!!!


Well-Known Member
you want enough butter to cover your product. but it all depends on how much you want. you can have a little strong butter or a lot of weaker butter. if you aer a smoker i would assume you want the stronger and in that case just take all your buds and stems and grind them up. put them in the crock pot and melt the butter and pout it over. mix it up and it will be like a paste as hte butter reaches temperature you will have just oil and product. then strain it out.

i just did a batch and posted it in this forum. they were great. i did the method with no water. then i strained it into one pot and rinsed it in another. this way i had some i could use immediately i mean i poured it still as an oil into my butter. well stuck it in the freezer for a minute but it was still oil.

good luck and i know you will enjoy it. i used just stems and had a great output i am sure with the buds it will be better


Active Member
so how much butter for 7 grams would i use to make a reasonably small batch?

one stick? 2 sticks? is a full pound of butter too much for a q?


Well-Known Member
well when i made it i noticed that 1 pound is not much butter. for a 1/4 i would not use more than a pound. i did mine with 40+ grams of stems. and it came out wonderful and when the butter was first melted it barley covered the product. as it heated and cooked it became more of and oil and the product actually seemed to take up less space. for the 1/4 i would start with 2 and see if you need the third or even the fourth i would want to use as little butter as needed

but if you are planning to want to use the whole batch of butter for one batch of brownies....check the brownie recipe...and however much butter it calls for....use that, plus a little to account for the butter that you will never get back.


Well-Known Member
yeah use at least a stick and a half cause you're gonna lose about a quarter to a half stick that you won't recover without a press. I'd think any over 2 sticks and your butter won't be very strong. Just imagine a q of bud spread out over a pan of brownies. That's not much.


Active Member
for every pound of butter you will get a cup and a half. so for 7 grams use about 3 sticks that will give you 1 cup of butter and that is PLENTY to make brownies since most brownie recipies call for 3/4 cup. =] hope that helps. and it really depends on what kind of weed you have too, and how much thc is has. but i would say let the weed sit in the butter for no more than 4 hours, that way you get ALL the thc from the bud.

Sr. Verde

What if you wanted to make space cakes

like 7 grams a stick?

or like 40 grams of vaped herb/steams + 7 grams on a stick?


Active Member
ok so it looks like the general consensus is that with seven grams i should use somewhere around 2 sticks, and that will make me just about 1 nice box of brownies?

awesome guys thank you so much!!!


Active Member
ive made cookies and put in a quarter ounce to every stick of butter.( add another quarter stick for material lost ) and i did not strain it out. simply melted a stick of butter..added ground up weed,, simmered for 45 min CONSTANTLY STIRRING!!! YOU DO NOT WANT BUTTER TO BURN!!! let it cool and your ready to cook with it. i left it in the butter and you cant even taste it once you make your full recipe.