Any experiance with poppy tea?


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on brewing some poppy tea tonight for the first time, using Bob’s Red Mill™ brand.
If you made this tea before tell me me how much seeds you used and how it effected you also the brand.

Thanks :]


Well-Known Member
What r they supposed to do, its not like they r opium poppy seeds.
They do contain trace amounts of opium, I have researched the brands they sell in stores and they are good enough to get where you need to be... you just need more.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure your seeds are unwashed? I have very little experience with seed teas because pods are so much better. It tastes like dirt, bad dirt. Like if good home composted hippy dirt is the filet mignon of dirt, and roots is a decent chain restaurant, this is generic miracle grow. Pod tea is worse. It tastes like you're drinking Afghanistan.
Using some lemon juice helps the taste and improves the potency a bit.
I hope you've had your veggies today. Pod/seed teas make other opioids look like fucking laxatives.
Be sparing in your use of it, it's still an opiate and regular use will lead to dependence. Men will build you transcontinental railways by hand for a steady supply of opium and enough rice to live.


Well-Known Member
No poppy seeds you buy in the store are from opium poppies. McCormick now washes their seeds, but many brands don't. And you can definitely get high from sufficient quantities. In the 90s a kid apparently died from seed tea.


Active Member
You do not use poppy seeds. They won't do shit except make you gag. I've been doing this for 20 years.

Here is how you make poppy tea;

1. Go to a florist and find dried poppy pods (fresh work as well but the tea has a greener slimier texture to it).
2. Buy a bunch 10 - 12 of them.
3. Break off the pods from the stems.
4. Discard stems.
5. Break open the pods.
6. Discard seeds or plant them.
7. Grind up 10 - 12 pods in a coffee/herb grinder to a fine powder.
8. Bring a quart of water to a boil.
9. Add poppy pod powder.
10. Reduce to a light simmer for about 10 minutes (add lemon if you want to).
11. Strain out the poppy sludge.
12. Drink a cup of the tea.
13. Be fucked up for 8 - 10 hours.

DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT think you are not getting off and then drink more. You will fuck yourself up. This stuff has a tendency to come in waves of increasing effect. It takes about 45 minutes for it to hit and it hits hard. Poppy tea is not something to take lightly. It's powerful and addictive. I've done almost every opiate under the sun and poppy tea gets you as loaded if not more than the rest.

If you have a soft stomach you may puke. I have an iron stomach and don't but many ppl do.

Please be careful with it and don't take it lightly. It's no joke.


Hi all. New here. Over 50 and have been drinking poppy tea (again) for about a year now after a 9-year contract in Saudi Arabia. I say "again" because I first learned about poppy tea around 2000 and was able to get many good imported pods from numerous vendors relatively cheap. I don't have to tell you all how things have changed regarding procurement of these jewels. And the prices. Geez!

Anyway, the method I use and have used exclusively since starting has been to grind the pods into a powdery consistency using an inexpensive blender on "puree" mode. I then pack about 3 or 4 tablespoons of poppy powder into the bowl of the coffee maker after filling the lower chamber to the correct level with water. Screw on the top part of the coffee maker tight (as this will ensure the pressure doesn't leak out and waste a serving of powder).

Place the coffee maker over a medium heat on the stovetop and wait for it to start pressuring the water up through the powder and on up the chute where it collects in the upper chamber. When it starts "gurgleing", you can pretty much tell when it's done. One thing I DON'T do is walk away and forget it. You could blow the safety valve on the lower chamber if too much heat or pressure are present. That's why I use medium heat.

Now, you've poured this very black substance into a coffee cup and are now wondering how best to tame the putrid taste that you must now consume in order to achieve the desired state of body buzz. The only thing that has made this concoction palatable to me is Country Time Lemonade (pink or yellow). about 3 level tablespoons of CT lemonade will make this a rather enjoyable 'tea'.

Of course, the ingredient quantities can be played with somewhat to suit one's own taste. This is just what works well for me, AND this body buzz lasts me a good 10-12 hours. BTW, that much powder works out to be only 3 medium sized pods, or about 2 giants.

In conclusion, this is my first ever membership in an "alternative" forum. Ever since I was 16 years old, I have been of the "better living through chemistry" mindset. It has never consumed me, I have never been busted, and I've sampled (or should I say, absorbed) numerous subcultures from all over the world. From the great black Moroccan and Blond Lebanese hashish during my European stint in the Navy in the late '70's, to the unrestricted flow of black sticky hash for 9 years in Saudi Arabia (yea, go figure), and all the fads over the decades. The cocaine '80's, the club drug '90's, and now back to what really helps this old fart get out of bed each morning.

Please know that I am still a productive member of society, and classify myself as a "functional junkie". Yes, they do exist.

Well, it's "tea time" gotta run. Later all.


So does any old flourist have these pods? Dont you think you'd get a negetive response when asking? And is it legal to grow poppy plants? This is really interesting


Poppy Pod tea, don't really brew it into a tea, i just dump around a spoonful of powder into them naked fruit drinks and gulp it down.

I be feelin' good :)


Well-Known Member
Just call and ask them if they have a few types o flowers for something you're doing an include poppy pods in the list.
They're legal to grow but not to harvest. It's a lot of work to get an appreciable amount of opium.
Just call and ask them if they have a few types o flowers for something you're doing an include poppy pods in the list.
They're legal to grow but not to harvest. It's a lot of work to get an appreciable amount of opium.
Good idea. If its illegal to harvest why would they have it? Is the plant hard to grow?


Well-Known Member
Good idea. If its illegal to harvest why would they have it? Is the plant hard to grow?
It's illegal to harvest them for opium. Sorry for the lack of specificity.
Poppies are super easy to grow. They'll grow anywhere, there's a reason they're the national crop of Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
Two things for the newbie.

Throttle back on your use early on, don't make the mistake of taking so much that you throw yourself into a serious nod. You may like everything about poppies and you want to try your best to achieve the subtle effects. I have been using poppies for a long long time and I still never injest more than 2 medium size poppies - try to keep your dose low - you will thank me.

And - whoever said "toss the stems" is a fool - the stems work, you can steep the stems and get a nice little effect.