Any experienced grower tips?

Start small. Get some practice. Once you grow a few plants successfully you should have ideas on expanding and improving. If you’re not in a legal state I would probably research punishment as well. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.
I'm goin to look into pheno and Geno types.

This is what will trip you up. You need experience to learn each strain and how and when to correct a deficiency.

Take this as a classic example of information vs knowledge.

Lewis Hamilton could tell you all he knows about driving an F1 car. You jump in and become a fireball 2 corners in.

Good luck - start with like 4-6 plants and go from there.
I am just in awe with how patient everyone is being.

If you try to run more than about 2 4x4 tents for your first grow, you are most likely going to learn through abject failure. Even 2 tents is going to be a lot to handle.

Do not run coco with that many plants until you are ready to implement and test an automatic irrigation system. Coco should be fed a lot to use it’s potential otherwise just go with soil. I hand watered 40 plants in coco 3x daily for a few hellish months and it’s time consuming as all hell.

There’s also so much waste water to deal with. Where will you put it, and how? Even with soil and small-for-soil 3-5 gallon pots, you are going to be dealing with runoff from a shit ton of plants. It needs to be pumped or piped or carried somewhere.

The humidity, man, the humidity. 10 tents are going to need a shit ton of air exchanged through them for heat and humidity control. You have a several hundred watt heater in each tent. At least. In the winter, sure, but in the summer you are going to have a real situation with heat management and maintaining a good VPD. Humidity is part of the game as well, and without active air exchange even a single tent without a heat problem is going to be dripping water from transpiration and evaporation.

What floor are you going to have to protect in this rental? Hardware and water don’t mix, but they are better than laminate or carpet and water. Maybe you won’t spill, but I guarantee you are going to have something fail and pump your res onto the floor at some point. Not to mention the drips and spills and leaks and seaps. Plants are a watery game by nature. Plan for it, or lose your deposit.

Speaking of deposit, there’s a whole other situation it’s renting and running a 10k set of rooms... hope your landlord never comes around. Because in addition to SEEING your giant grow, they’ll be able to smell it from blocks away.

Anyway, asking for advice on a 10k grow to prep for a first grow is just bad. It’s like spending time worrying about training for the Super Bowl when you’ve never even picked up a football. You don’t (and couldn’t) even know how to ask the right questions or interpret the advice. It’s not your fault, and I don’t mean to knock you at all — you just don’t know what you don’t know yet. We all start there.

Good attitude matters for a lot, but my suggestion (although, who the hell am I) is to focus that attitude on asking how you can max your first 4x4 grow and then at the end of that think about the issues you’ll face expanding it tenfold.
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This thread has exploded since i last looked at it but figure each 1000w light needs 4000 btu of cooling to be safe. The biggest window shakers cool a max of 12000 btu. So one bigass window unit cools 3 lights. But then you have the times of year where its say 45-55f outside. Ac units do NOT like running when the outside temp is below 60 and start to burn up the compressor really fast. Some people try to push the air outside..... that works fine if its under 75 degrees outside. But if its say 90 outside and your pushing the heat from inside outside, then you have the issue that any air you push out of the building must be replaced with outside air coming in so no matter how much air you move, your pulling 90 degree air in and cooking everything. As far as i can tell, the only good way to run smaller grows is that if your doing it in the summer, keep it really small so you dont need crazy amounts of AC. Otherwise, just go big in the winter when its cold outside and you can use the lights to heat whatever building your in. Like if i ran 4 1000w lights in my basement (2 on from midnight to noon and two noon to midnight) those lights would basically heat my house all the way down to maybe 0f. After that i might need to close the windows and turn the furnace on lol.
Yea it really has exploded and that's a great point to make . I'm use the advice u gave me for sure. I'm get the environment down to a science before I start my grow. Make sure humidity and temp is good where I'm going to grow with the lights I'm going to run. Preshiate the advice
Yea it really has exploded and that's a great point to make . I'm use the advice u gave me for sure. I'm get the environment down to a science before I start my grow. Make sure humidity and temp is good where I'm going to grow with the lights I'm going to run. Preshiate the advice

When you have your area setup I can’t stress enough to test run it with NO PLANTS to see how it performs at various times of the day where you are etc.

same goes for when you get your 8 tents etc or whatever you’re planning.

test run whenever you make equipment alterations otherwise you could be fighting battles that need not have arisen.

oh and do me a favour?

The word is appreciate it bugs the shit out of me when you put preshiate “argh” lol.
I only say this from experience...and this is with 1 tent(now 2 and sometime 3 flowering). I think it took me 3 go arounds before I felt pretty good how it went. I failed and I failed and I failed. Its not because it’s super hard, it’s just you don’t know what you don’t know and you improve. Heat problem one time. Then I did a drip/wick system that didn’t work right. I was using way too much nutrients and was driving myself crazy in measuring stuff. I could go on and on.

I also realized I didn’t really answer op (a lot of people did a good job but i see the important stuff as:

-Start small learn how to do it good and replicate
-mentioned before, find good genetics, find a good plant and clone the heck outta it. You need consistency if your gonna do a high grow (also you learn the plant)
-keep nutrients simple and cheap. It’s a weed. Try dry nutrients, stay away from more than a couple bottles. If it has a nice cartoon on it pass on it.
-keep it as simple as possible. Complexity sucks and screws up quick.
-Environment! If your comfortable they are comfortable. Genetics and this are probably the most important factors.
-expensive doesn’t necessarily mean the best

Nothing is a awesome as the first time you grow good cannabis yourself! You can do it! Just be a little more realistic and patient. Fail small. I just get upset when people pour a ton of money into something and NEED it to work when most likely it can’t and things get out of control.
When you have your area setup I can’t stress enough to test run it with NO PLANTS to see how it performs at various times of the day where you are etc.

same goes for when you get your 8 tents etc or whatever you’re planning.

test run whenever you make equipment alterations otherwise you could be fighting battles that need not have arisen.

oh and do me a favour?

The word is appreciate it bugs the shit out of me when you put preshiate “argh” lol.
That's exactly what I'm going to do. I have got to get that environment down to a science before anything . And lol I'll remember that for future times cause I remember ur name. My bad haha
This is what will trip you up. You need experience to learn each strain and how and when to correct a deficiency.

Take this as a classic example of information vs knowledge.

Lewis Hamilton could tell you all he knows about driving an F1 car. You jump in and become a fireball 2 corners in.

Good luck - start with like 4-6 plants and go from there.
Ur right . I agree . Definitely prolly gone do something with alot less plants. And I'll learn it as I go
Ur right . I agree . Definitely prolly gone do something with alot less plants. And I'll learn it as I go
Seriously man your not gonna be sorry. Ramp up over a year or so. I love my plants and with less stress your gonna do better.
Wow. Ok everyone is being super nice. Honestly there is like 1% chance your are going to succeed. It’s like....I have never driven a car. I have read a ton on how to drive a car so I think I can drive a tractor trailer across country. You need to grow a single tent well then you can think about expanding. Way too much too fast. Slow your roll man.

Also doing this in a rental...not exactly smart but you can maybe get away with it. More importantly what is the neighbor situation because I can almost guarantee the smell is going to be unmanageable. I’m not to even going to get into the amount of heat your gonna be producing. But thats what ac is for right?? Just a few more watts what’s the difference. Which leads us to probably the biggest issue no one has brought up. What is the power situation? Rental (or any house) most likely is going to be 15amp breakers for the outlets and unless you have 8 breakers attached to those two rooms you ain’t running a huge grow. Most likely there are maybe 2 breakers and you don’t want to run them full bore all the time (a 1k light uses 8.3amp itself). So you can do more than 2 lights if you do a dance with when they are in and off.

I’m not trying to be a dick here but you are not well thought out...and I wouldn’t expect you to have a good plan because you have like 0 experience. You don’t even know the issues your gonna run into. Humidity issues, pest issues, sound, neighbors, power, smell, heat, venting, water issues, leaks, protecting floors, thieves, landlord inspection and just the sheer amount of work it takes even when you have your grow dialed in. You want to do allllllll of that with no simple grows under your belt.
Naw bro no offense taken. I'm actually glad when y'all make post like these . I am starting to realize as I been thinking about everything that everyone has said so far and the best way to do this at the end of the day is definitely start smaller (2 tents max, 2 1000w max, 4 plants max, 1 mini split AC, etc...) And if I can master bringing weight out a set up like that I will kinda know where and when I wanna upgrade from there. This is my first time talking to any experienced growers and I've realized out of all that has been said that u can research for months about everything just like me and it will definitely help u alot no doubt, and u will know where to start with alot of things and what questions u need to ask, but the knowledge u get from hands on experience or peoples advice that are experienced with growing will never compare to google knowledge and in reality situations. I started with a setup I thought could be the best setup for what I'm trying to do when in reality u can tell I've only read tons. U can tell I'm heading in the right direction all I'm missing I believe is that hands on experience and advice from experienced growers which I had none until I made this post. Y'all really put my thoughts in the right direction when it comes to investing in a set up and the reality of the situation . I appreciate everyone like u that helped me out with that. I'll definitely be on this site forever cause y'all help someone alot who doesn't have any experienced growers around them to learn from. If I have any more questions due to lack of experience I'll make another post in the future . Thank u for being real about the reality of the situation tho
I only say this from experience...and this is with 1 tent(now 2 and sometime 3 flowering). I think it took me 3 go arounds before I felt pretty good how it went. I failed and I failed and I failed. Its not because it’s super hard, it’s just you don’t know what you don’t know and you improve. Heat problem one time. Then I did a drip/wick system that didn’t work right. I was using way too much nutrients and was driving myself crazy in measuring stuff. I could go on and on.

I also realized I didn’t really answer op (a lot of people did a good job but i see the important stuff as:

-Start small learn how to do it good and replicate
-mentioned before, find good genetics, find a good plant and clone the heck outta it. You need consistency if your gonna do a high grow (also you learn the plant)
-keep nutrients simple and cheap. It’s a weed. Try dry nutrients, stay away from more than a couple bottles. If it has a nice cartoon on it pass on it.
-keep it as simple as possible. Complexity sucks and screws up quick.
-Environment! If your comfortable they are comfortable. Genetics and this are probably the most important factors.
-expensive doesn’t necessarily mean the best

Nothing is a awesome as the first time you grow good cannabis yourself! You can do it! Just be a little more realistic and patient. Fail small. I just get upset when people pour a ton of money into something and NEED it to work when most likely it can’t and things get out of control.
U gave some really good advice there too. I got u tho I'm take your advice . I thought when I made this post I was being realistic just to find out that the setup without the expertise was very unrealistic. I just knew that people can accomplish what I was saying and one day I want to accomplish it too so I wanted to get as much knowledge and tips to how experienced growers do accomplish this and take notes from there. All that being said I appreciate the reality check and the advice u gave
Wow. Ok everyone is being super nice. Honestly there is like 1% chance your are going to succeed. It’s like....I have never driven a car. I have read a ton on how to drive a car so I think I can drive a tractor trailer across country. You need to grow a single tent well then you can think about expanding. Way too much too fast. Slow your roll man.

Also doing this in a rental...not exactly smart but you can maybe get away with it. More importantly what is the neighbor situation because I can almost guarantee the smell is going to be unmanageable. I’m not to even going to get into the amount of heat your gonna be producing. But thats what ac is for right?? Just a few more watts what’s the difference. Which leads us to probably the biggest issue no one has brought up. What is the power situation? Rental (or any house) most likely is going to be 15amp breakers for the outlets and unless you have 8 breakers attached to those two rooms you ain’t running a huge grow. Most likely there are maybe 2 breakers and you don’t want to run them full bore all the time (a 1k light uses 8.3amp itself). So you can do more than 2 lights if you do a dance with when they are in and off.

I’m not trying to be a dick here but you are not well thought out...and I wouldn’t expect you to have a good plan because you have like 0 experience. You don’t even know the issues your gonna run into. Humidity issues, pest issues, sound, neighbors, power, smell, heat, venting, water issues, leaks, protecting floors, thieves, landlord inspection and just the sheer amount of work it takes even when you have your grow dialed in. You want to do allllllll of that with no simple grows under your belt.
1% chance of a first successful grow in general is a bad way to put it. My first grow I went what I considered to be "all out". 1000w hps, 5x5 tent, all the fans and filters ones heart could desire. And it worked out for me. Some minor hiccups but no big problems. I did my research and applied what i learned and my common sense and it all worked out.

But to say 1% chance of this particular grow working out first time around, you are spot on. A grow of this magnitude is like reading books and watching tv to prepare for your first Nascar race or to compete in olympic curling. You need some practice and experiences before jumping into the big leagues.
U gave some really good advice there too. I got u tho I'm take your advice . I thought when I made this post I was being realistic just to find out that the setup without the expertise was very unrealistic. I just knew that people can accomplish what I was saying and one day I want to accomplish it too so I wanted to get as much knowledge and tips to how experienced growers do accomplish this and take notes from there. All that being said I appreciate the reality check and the advice u gave
Yea really the type of grow you are talking about you almost need professional help setting it up. Its crazy amounts of electricity. Start small. Work you way up. Dont be afraid to start with a strong ass light, just start with one of them.
why do you think you need 8 tents to pull lbs? im guessng you didnt check out renfros setup like i suggested? (Not that its recommended to attempt something so big at first)
Yea really the type of grow you are talking about you almost need professional help setting it up. Its crazy amounts of electricity. Start small. Work you way up. Dont be afraid to start with a strong ass light, just start with one of them.

I agree with the light. Get a decent sized light. But think about how you might want to expand. 1000w de’s or more 600w for spread or 315cmhs. All depends on what your future setup is gonna look like but a 1000w in a 5x5 is totally doable.
Another thing to bear in mind is that the drier your environment the more your plants drink.

This can cause issues when you have variations in your climate.

The more they drink the more nutrients they take up and burn your leaves/cause sudden deficiencies. So try and keep your climate stable!
Another thing to bear in mind is that the drier your environment the more your plants drink.

This can cause issues when you have variations in your climate.

The more they drink the more nutrients they take up and burn your leaves/cause sudden deficiencies. So try and keep your climate stable!
it took me multiple grows to realize this lol.
Beyond what other people suggested, I would abandon the kilowatt light idea. 600w hps gives you better performance per watt. Abd heat mitigation is much more easily achieved. That and I would grow with vertical cooltubes without the reflectors. Training is easier in the beginning if you allow the plants to grow upward instead of horizontally as you would in a scrog.
In a 4x4 or even in an open room you could achieve some really good results on your first grow. Just keep it simple and smaller the first few times. Use good soil and water without any excessive fertilizers and flower at the right time and it can be easy. Then dont harvest too early!
Good luck friend!
1% chance of a first successful grow in general is a bad way to put it. My first grow I went what I considered to be "all out". 1000w hps, 5x5 tent, all the fans and filters ones heart could desire. And it worked out for me. Some minor hiccups but no big problems. I did my research and applied what i learned and my common sense and it all worked out.

But to say 1% chance of this particular grow working out first time around, you are spot on. A grow of this magnitude is like reading books and watching tv to prepare for your first Nascar race or to compete in olympic curling. You need some practice and experiences before jumping into the big leagues.
I see where your coming from fo sho. I'm definitely starting smaller like y'all suggested