Any good?


Well-Known Member
Would i get much if i plant some northern light fems and ak47s

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Well-Known Member
We only have like 10 hours of sun at the moment bro, we get 14.45 hours on the solstice so those direct hours will change later in the year and the sun sits higher in the sky too. You'll be amazed at what you can get away with, putting plants in obvious places is good sometimes right under peoples noses.


Well-Known Member
Haha hiding in plain sight, iv always wondered how long itll take fir someone to notice a male planted on the side of the road hidden in the aide hedgea on rural roads

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Well-Known Member
Yeah I planted my outdoor plant in a reasonably obvious place in a rich sort of suburb. A farmer walked literally 10 metres away from it and pulled a farm stake out and carried on and didn't even see me or the plant lol Right under his nose, it wouldnt have even crossed his mind. Had my heart racing though.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine, in a city in NY state, planted a nice female at the local HUGE Catholic church...

Anyway, he has a nice video of himself waving to the Father, while refocusing on the plant in full bud... hehehe

The preacher is waving with a big smile.. It's funny as heck.. My friend is like "Nice bushes you have here father"... The preacher is like "Ohh thank you thank you! They are lovely... Gods small gifts." hehehe


Well-Known Member
I might do a few testers this next season with some bag seeds, see how long they can last in an obvious place.
Weed isn't actually that easy to spot out unless you're looking for it. I've been walking along a track and didn't notice some little plants until I bent down and tied my shoe lace.


Well-Known Member
I might do a few testers this next season with some bag seeds, see how long they can last in an obvious place.
Weed isn't actually that easy to spot out unless you're looking for it. I've been walking along a track and didn't notice some little plants until I bent down and tied my shoe lace.
Thatd be cool to see if anyone actually notices them. No great loss if they do get found and if they don't then theirs some extra smoke