any guess on potential yield

Have fun trying to get this thread genuine again.
Noone hates on ppl who accept advice and/legitimate criticism.
Your path of disrespect and use of profanities aimed at ppl who were genuine to start with....

Hang on this is to hard for me im going to have a bong ....
U are a retard. Plants grown 12/12 from seed yield more than an eighth. But retards like u dont understand how it makes zero sense that my plants wouldnt yield more than a 9 inch stick with a top cola. Fuckin retards
Have fun trying to get this thread genuine again.
Noone hates on ppl who accept advice and/legitimate criticism.
Your path of disrespect and use of profanities aimed at ppl who were genuine to start with....

Hang on this is to hard for me im going to have a bong ....
The thread lost legitimacy when people came to an agreement thst my plants wouldnt yield more than a 9 inch stick with a single top cola. Thats when it lost legitimacy. Those plants goin into flower when 12/12 from seed have maybe 4-5 sets of leaves and no branching at all when going into flower. You sir are a complete fucktard or epic proportions
Ive learned that people who get butthurt easily should not join this forum.

Its funny though, he was given good advice and honest opinions, and then he shit on everyone.

I say we tale bets on his yeild. Is gambling against the rules?
Good advice? Lmao. U guys are saying my plants will yield no more than a plant grown 12/12 from seed...a plant that has maybe 4 nodes and no branching or real root system when going into flower. If thats an honest guess at my yield id have to say that you guys have shit for brains when it comes to growing. How can that even make sense to you?? You are mentally disabled to the point of it being shocking. Ill never be able to face life the same after coming to the realization that a person which such an disfunctional brain exists. My plants have dozens of more bud sites than a plant going into flower at 12/12 but theyll yield the same..lmao. Grow a fuckin brain dipshit
Danimal has got some problems with reality.
I don't know if this is somebody that is just trying to troll us hard. Because he is such a consistently rude and arrogant contributor to a few online communities.
But there are times when I think that is all he is. And will be, for that matter.
No..the trolls are the ones saying my plant will yield as much as a bud on a stick that produced by growing 12/12 from seed.
Ive learned that people who get butthurt easily should not join this forum.

Its funny though, he was given good advice and honest opinions, and then he shit on everyone.

I say we tale bets on his yeild. Is gambling against the rules?
These are 8th oz plants. Look at these things and imagine what they looked like before flower and how pathetic they were. Maybe 4 nodes. No branching. You are gonna sit there and say that an 8th is an honest guess?? Whatever retard. I dont even need to explain to u why u are a retard
I never said an eigth.. I said 20 pounds so you would feel good about your grow. I thought that's what you wanted, to feel good about your plants.
And go charge ur phone before u troll us. I'm ready!
Yep my plants should yield the same as these 12/12 from seed plants. Here they are before flower.. My plants obviously have no chance of yielding more then those 12/12 plants with 4 nodes


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I have a four month old plant that is 12 inches. I bought crap bag soil and the thing never grew. I'll let you know what it yeild but I doubt 2 ozs. It's in a 100 gals of crap and will never produce.. all ur arguments mean nothing to anyone with some experience growing any type of crop. In farming nothing is guaranteed. And with the karma you out off, probably will get popped growing those runts.
I have a four month old plant that is 12 inches. I bought crap bag soil and the thing never grew. I'll let you know what it yeild but I doubt 2 ozs. It's in a 100 gals of crap and will never produce.. all ur arguments mean nothing to anyone with some experience growing any type of crop. In farming nothing is guaranteed. And with the karma you out off, probably will get popped growing those runts.
Hey dipshit you are proving just how much of a shit for brains u are. U think a plant with 4 sets of leaves and zero branching gtown under cfl will yield as much as a plant with 20 times the bud sites. You sir are the troll...that or u are a retard
I have a four month old plant that is 12 inches. I bought crap bag soil and the thing never grew. I'll let you know what it yeild but I doubt 2 ozs. It's in a 100 gals of crap and will never produce.. all ur arguments mean nothing to anyone with some experience growing any type of crop. In farming nothing is guaranteed. And with the karma you out off, probably will get popped growing those runts.
And that 4 month old plant is a piece of shit saying your four month old piece of shit plant wont yield well proves nothing when it comes to u saying my plant will not yield more than a bud on a stick.
But those are from great farmers with skills, you are not that. Edit.. actually looked at the pics, not such great plants, but still better then yours.
Great farmers? Those 12/12 plants were grown in less than a gallon under cfl with no trimming or training. Just water and add nutes. Not a lot of room for greatness u dipshit