any guess on potential yield

You sound angry. I know it's a piece of shit. But I have 15 or so plants that each singly hold more weed then you and the rest of your buddies have ever seen combined.
Still dont change the fact that u are a retard with shit logic that thinks a 4 node plant with zero branching will produce as much as mine. Please hang yourself now
But then I can't harvest those huge plants or bang my hot wife or a million other awesome reasons I have to live. Lols no thanks. Maybe if I ever have to live in ohio...
Your wife is an ugly whore that sucks all your friends dicks while youre busy watering your shitty one foot tall 4 month old plants
But then I can't harvest those huge plants or bang my hot wife or a million other awesome reasons I have to live. Lols no thanks. Maybe if I ever have to live in ohio...
If u came to ohio id teach u how to grow. One foot in four months?? Lmao and u have the nerve to say anything about my beautiful plants
Fuck some cali buds. The same strains are grown everywhere you dumb fuck. There is no Cali bud. Its called Everywhere Bud. Grow a brain. That plant isnt anything special and probably not yours. I think mine look better anyways
I think that's the best thing u said on the thread that last line. And that's all that really matters. That ur loving ur plants..
You dumb fuck..Anybody that grows outside isnt going to harvest until late september/early october. Plants start flowering late july/early august. Anyone knows that. Are you truly that unknowledgable about cannabis? The strains take 8-9 weeks to flower. They started flowering at beginning of august..8-9 weeks takes me to end of September. The sun is fine in september. You are retarded. How the fuck does ANYBODY finish a plant outside if September doesnt provide enough light? Lol. You show me a strain that finishes before september in ohio or anywhere else and ill show you an auto flower. Cannabis does not finish in august. It begins flowering in august ( late july possibly) you sir get the award for moron of the post. Thats gonna be hard to top. Whats really sad is that you are supposively an experienced grower and you are making statements that prove just what little knowledge u have about cannabis growing. If a plant cant grow outside in september than how the hell did anyone ever harvest anything before autos came out. Use your brain . thats what its there for. Its not just floating around inside of your numb skull for no reason.
Dude, you are a troll in training. Everyone is giving you Dick replies, because you are being a Dick. You should sit back and actually read some of the info floating around this site and absorb it. Don't open your ignorant mouth until you have something positive to say. There is a wealth of info here, the people who are replying really do know their shit. They have risked more and grown more than you could dream, and that's on their lower end of yields. Respect them, befriend them. You seem to only want to make enemies and make yourself look stupid. Grow your twigs, learn from it. Take all this critisim into account for your next run, and listen. Seriously.
@ruby fruit, lemme apologize for him since he doesn't understand how rude and offensive he is. Seriously, sorry Brotha.