any guess on potential yield

If u came to ohio id teach u how to grow. One foot in four months?? Lmao and u have the nerve to say anything about my beautiful plants
Beautiful? Lol no. I felt kinda bad how everyone was piling on before because what can you do but stand by your plants (however shitty they are). But then you started throwing this childish ass temper tantrum like a spoilt 10 year old would and I can't help but think you deserve whats coming when you finally dry them and everything and weigh it out youll see that people here werent being assholes because they saw the name danimalistic and thought fuck this guy in particular or anything, you just have plants that are kinda fucked I mean you didnt really take good care of them in the run up to flower so I don't even know what else youd expect. My point is someday youll see how stupid it was trying to talk this much shit to random people who were offering genuine guesses that you asked for to begin with. Seriously I just feel sorry for you now I mean the amount of shit youll fuck up for yourself acting like this is insane, itll give you actual proper problems in life that you wont be able to deal with and I guarantee it if you respond then by just straight up hurling insults back people are going to start beating on you, if we had met in real life and you acted like this, I know I would have. So anyway this was entertaining for a while but now its just kinda depressing just seeing how fucked you mind is so Im'na go ahead and unwatch this so I dont get notifications everytime your dumb ass manages to type something out
Beautiful? Lol no. I felt kinda bad how everyone was piling on before because what can you do but stand by your plants (however shitty they are). But then you started throwing this childish ass temper tantrum like a spoilt 10 year old would and I can't help but think you deserve whats coming when you finally dry them and everything and weigh it out youll see that people here werent being assholes because they saw the name danimalistic and thought fuck this guy in particular or anything, you just have plants that are kinda fucked I mean you didnt really take good care of them in the run up to flower so I don't even know what else youd expect. My point is someday youll see how stupid it was trying to talk this much shit to random people who were offering genuine guesses that you asked for to begin with. Seriously I just feel sorry for you now I mean the amount of shit youll fuck up for yourself acting like this is insane, itll give you actual proper problems in life that you wont be able to deal with and I guarantee it if you respond then by just straight up hurling insults back people are going to start beating on you, if we had met in real life and you acted like this, I know I would have. So anyway this was entertaining for a while but now its just kinda depressing just seeing how fucked you mind is so Im'na go ahead and unwatch this so I dont get notifications everytime your dumb ass manages to type something out
I doubt youd be beating on me. Im not even gonna begin to do the keyboard tough guy nonsense but ill tell you thar youd have better luck beatin up the other guys commenting on here. Im not acting stupid. Whats stupid is someone saying that my plants will yield an 8th and then everyone banding together pretending as if its an honest guess and as if its the norm. You are acting like trolls. Any legit source says alot different than what u cum wads say. Its obvious that u are trolls who are pretending to give honest predictions of a pathetic yield in an effort to make me believe that my plants will yield the same as a plant grown 12/12 from seed. Its low and sad. If somebody asking about potential yield offends you than dont answer the fuckig post...but no you guys have to be little kids and play games and pretend to believe eachothers predictions in an effort to convince me of a negative thing. Thar may work on a 7 year old or on one of you twats but not me. I will yield multiple ounces per plant. Hell..who knows..i could get a qp off one of them.
I doubt youd be beating on me. Im not even gonna begin to do the keyboard tough guy nonsense but ill tell you thar youd have better luck beatin up the other guys commenting on here. Im not acting stupid. Whats stupid is someone saying that my plants will yield an 8th and then everyone banding together pretending as if its an honest guess and as if its the norm. You are acting like trolls. Any legit source says alot different than what u cum wads say. Its obvious that u are trolls who are pretending to give honest predictions of a pathetic yield in an effort to make me believe that my plants will yield the same as a plant grown 12/12 from seed. Its low and sad. If somebody asking about potential yield offends you than dont answer the fuckig post...but no you guys have to be little kids and play games and pretend to believe eachothers predictions in an effort to convince me of a negative thing. Thar may work on a 7 year old or on one of you twats but not me. I will yield multiple ounces per plant. Hell..who knows..i could get a qp off one of them.
Ok man whatever you want to believe, just dont come cry when you dont get much. Also believe what you want, I train and fight in tournaments regularly, I'd wreck you without even breaking a sweat. And you are acting stupid. If you were acting normally you would have asked why people think youll get a low yield and how to maybe remedy the situation even if you didnt think it was going to be as low as people said. Going all out just insulting people cos your butthurt we all think your plants are fugly is what my nephew does, childish. Anyway i'm washing my hands of this and you, I got other shit to do. Good luck with you fugly plants, and try to learn something in the way of respect will you, it wont make a difference here youve already ruined your rep but itll prolly make your parents happy, and they're probably the people who had to deal with most of your shit so they deserve something good from you for a change.
Today is just a get baked and lay in bed kind of day.
I feel so unproductive though. Ugh.

Thunder storm earlier today, that was somewhat unexpected. Moved some ladies into the greenhouse.

I think this will be a great harvest. I don't care what the technical yield is, because whatever it is will be enough.