Any hints, tips, tricks of the trade? Good reading material?

Need some advice on good books to read/ info / websites to go to so i can get started learning from others mistakes and how to make the growing experience as easy and straightforward as possible with as minimal bumps in the road along the way. We just picked up "The Cannabis Grow Bible" by Greg Green & "Cannabis Cultivation - A complete Growers guide" the 2nd edition by Mel Thomas. Anyone read theses 2 books - are they the best place to learn how to grow? Any other good ones out there - websites would probably even be better since they' re a free source of information.

For as much as I've researched so far it looks like my best bet is to start off trying to grow with feminized seeds (no clones to start those seem to cause the most problems with disease and pests or so i've read) We'd probably get 3 400 HPS lights and expect to grow 18 mature 18 immature to start. Does this set up sound reasonable? What would you suggest as far as lights if looking to grow that quantity? Any tips/tricks/ advice would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Ed Rosenthal
he has a text book out that they use for growing classes in oaksterdam (area in oakland CA)
if you are getting clones in CA from a coop they should be true genetics and female (clones are easier then seeds trust me)

and that system is wacky wrong! you dont know where you will be living, what kind of space you will have to grow, the environment you will be living in.

your number of plant all depends on how you want to grow them

i would start with no more then 6 plants under 1 1000watt hps


Well-Known Member
It's better to start with fewer than more for your first grow. You will probably encounter a problem or two along the way with your first grow. You don't want to spend the money on fem seeds and then have ph problems or pest problems and kill off all 36 plants.


Well-Known Member
Click on the link in my signature
And download the cannabis folder
Make sure u uncheck the rest of the files tho
As the whole torrent is around 20gb
In there is all the info u'll need 2 get urself going
Hope this helps
Good luck