Any Hope?


Active Member
Well I've never grown before, but have had a deep desire to for some time now. I just recently got about 100+ seeds from my dear old dad's smoking days. Now the problem is that these babies range from 5 - 18 years old. I've started around 30 of them 2 weeks ago and still nothing. My hope is that through probability at least one will be viable... but should I even bother is my question? As I said I'm new to growing, so any advice would be great. As a side note they were stored in a airtight Tupperware container if that matters.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of people having seeds for incredibly long periods of time and able to germinate them... Not sure how they where kept but I know they like darkness airtite and moderate temps.. how are you germinating? I would think that the ones that have been going for 2 weeks are probably not gonna do anything, but that may be your method of germination.


Active Member
give your old, left over seeds a good squeeze, completely dead dried out seeds will crush and turn to dust. float the uncrushable seeds in a glass of water until they sink, may take several days. germinate the seeds that sink in a very DAMP, not soaking wet, paper towel, plant those that sprout, 3/4 of an inch under the soil, tap root DOWN. good luck


Active Member
Thanks for the help. Today I noticed a very tiny seedling coming up! So tiny in-fact that now I'm a bit worried it may be something else (although I don't know how), not sure how big the seedling should be? I suppose I'll just have to wait, but I have started some new seeds with some of the suggestions posted.


Well-Known Member
Keep trying. Undamaged seeds have been known to remain viable for decades. Germination ratio decreases with time, but you should see some plants.