Any hunters on here?

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Pandas are pretend Try fucking around with the real deal.....Browns.....they will make the hair on a bald man stand straight up and the bravest soul shit his drawers!!!!


Well-Known Member
Pandas are pretend Try fucking around with the real deal.....Browns.....they will make the hair on a bald man stand straight up and the bravest soul shit his drawers!!!!
If you lick a brown bear's eye, would you be licking a Brown Eye?

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
See4----- LOL....I tell kiddos are to clever!! lol...I have to tell you guys...I have had some seriously good laughs with some of the shit I see and read...good one!


Well-Known Member
i deer and turkey hunt here. constantly have deer in my front yard. thought about taking one down today but ehh. didnt feel like doing all that cleaning.


Well-Known Member
I have been hunting and fishing all my life, don't get out hunting as much as I used to but always up for a pheasant hunt with dogs. Love watching those dogs work.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
We have mule deer and an abundence of elk out here. Wild turkey up the kahoot and good fishing. Drolove...once you get them on the ground ...thats when the work I know exactly where your coming from. I have never been duck hunting or worked with bird dogs...I would like what I have used dogs for ( hounds ) is tracking mountain lion as a guide and for game and fish for problem cats....that can be quite the rush!!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I'm an animal lover and never really agreed with hunting I think it's because I can't imagine getting pleasure out of killing something for fun. However if its for food then I suppose its exceptable, when you watch the program's showing elephants and rhinos being killed for their horns it's upsetting but I suppose what you do is different and goes way back. We go fishing and I enjoy that we also go for a shot with the air gun and although my husband and sons have killed things I've never been able to bring myself to do it.
I don't agree at all with trapping though I think that's really cruel and the animals suffer to much, to shoot animal out right dead is much more humane.


New Member
I'm an animal lover and never really agreed with hunting I think it's because I can't imagine getting pleasure out of killing something for fun. However if its for food then I suppose its exceptable, when you watch the program's showing elephants and rhinos being killed for their horns it's upsetting but I suppose what you do is different and goes way back. We go fishing and I enjoy that we also go for a shot with the air gun and although my husband and sons have killed things I've never been able to bring myself to do it.
I don't agree at all with trapping though I think that's really cruel and the animals suffer to much, to shoot animal out right dead is much more humane.

I know trapping seems harsh.Done right,its not long slow death.Trapping is a way of life and a way we provide in the winter when you can't do anything else.Fur has always been a commodity.The chances of seeing a animal and shooting it are slim to none.They are far to stealth.Seeing a wolverine or a wolf is rare.Unless its in a trap.You'll never be lucky enough to get sight or a shot on these critters either
FYI,this year was a great year.Furs are sold at world wide auction.The Chinese are buying the shit outta them and the prices are way higher then last year
Nothing goes wasted.The carcass goes to either feed the sled dogs or for bait

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Well Granny...I totally respect your view and opinion and I also agree with feelings about the Rhinos and Elephants being slaughtered for Ivory...It's wrong much like I have seen Huge bull Elk taken just for the horns, You may have seen that event that took place in Boulder, Colorado....the huge neighborhood bull Elk that was shot and shot by law enforcement officers none the less!!!!! They are currently under investigation for poaching.....look it up on the net...stupid I stated earlier in this thread, I am a meat hunter as are many others...hunting is part of our American culture....its been with us since the mayflower arrived and the Spanish and before them the Native for many people and in most cases of hunters, dad was a hunter, grandpa was a hunter and so on...I'm not so sure that hunters....well I will speak for myself...I dont view it as taking pleasure in killing the animal....I view it much like that Ribeye you and others enjoy on the grill......just saying...I dont even know if you eat meat...but thats my view of the process is its part of my food supply. Elk meat is one of the best eating .....I mean...others will tell you. You will pay high dollar for a loin steak in the best restaurants in Aspen or Vail Colorado or anywhere that it is served. Others hunt duck....same thing and even can that be viewed any differently....hunting is a way of life around the world. Thats my take on it Granny....much respect for your views!! Bear

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I know trapping seems harsh.Done right,its not long slow death.Trapping is a way of life and a way we provide in the winter when you can't do anything else.Fur has always been a commodity.The chances of seeing a animal and shooting it are slim to none.They are far to stealth.Seeing a wolverine or a wolf is rare.Unless its in a trap.You'll never be lucky enough to get sight or a shot on these critters either
FYI,this year was a great year.Furs are sold at world wide auction.The Chinese are buying the shit outta them and the prices are way higher then last year
Nothing goes wasted.The carcass goes to either feed the sled dogs or for bait
Well it's nice to know that you take the time to trap correctly, and that nothing goes to waste, as for the Chinese their are a rare breed they kill endangered species for small bits of them because they believe its medicine. I know it's a way of life for you and please don't think I'm knocking that I suppose I'm just ignorant to your way of life when I just get my meat from the supermarket.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Well Granny...I totally respect your view and opinion and I also agree with feelings about the Rhinos and Elephants being slaughtered for Ivory...It's wrong much like I have seen Huge bull Elk taken just for the horns, You may have seen that event that took place in Boulder, Colorado....the huge neighborhood bull Elk that was shot and shot by law enforcement officers none the less!!!!! They are currently under investigation for poaching.....look it up on the net...stupid I stated earlier in this thread, I am a meat hunter as are many others...hunting is part of our American culture....its been with us since the mayflower arrived and the Spanish and before them the Native for many people and in most cases of hunters, dad was a hunter, grandpa was a hunter and so on...I'm not so sure that hunters....well I will speak for myself...I dont view it as taking pleasure in killing the animal....I view it much like that Ribeye you and others enjoy on the grill......just saying...I dont even know if you eat meat...but thats my view of the process is its part of my food supply. Elk meat is one of the best eating .....I mean...others will tell you. You will pay high dollar for a loin steak in the best restaurants in Aspen or Vail Colorado or anywhere that it is served. Others hunt duck....same thing and even can that be viewed any differently....hunting is a way of life around the world. Thats my take on it Granny....much respect for your views!! Bear
Anyone who kills an animal in my book if its not for their survival are selfish and uncaring, as I said to slowbus I'm ignorant to the way you live your lives as I'm from the uk and the nearest I get to see raw meat is in the supermarket lol, Iam a meat eater and so are all my family my husband and sons would love to spend time with you and live the way you do they are very outdoorsy types that like to shoot and fish infact I'm a crack shot with the gun myself my sons friends all laugh because I'm a better shot than them.
Im sorry if I offended you that was not my intention, and I would love to try an elk steak! When someone says the word hunting I immediately think about poachers and elephants you can see what a sad uneventful life I lead can't you. We love to watch the old American cowboy and Indian films where they hunt the buffolo but that always seemed okay because they needed the meat and fur anyway thanks for setting me straight happy hunting :smile:


Well-Known Member
I grew up with a dad who loved to hunt as did I. That was the one thing we had in common it brought us closer together.
I've still got the first gun my dad bought for me a single shot 22 from Sears . I really dont hunt anymore I do fish quite a bit. I dont have the heart to kill anything hell I dont even keep the fish I catch. I just find enjoyment getting outside it's part of who I am. I dont have an issue with anyone who likes to hunt it's just not my thing anymore but with that being said if one of my friends offers me some fresh killed venison I will gladly take it.......I never said I didnt like to eat it