Any idea what strain this is / how long left


Well-Known Member
No clue on strain. Its Sativa or mostly. No clue either on how much time is left. I would go by the trichomes:peace:

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Unknown Sativa.
Longer then the plant will stay green. - To much P, too early....
Less then you wanted.


Active Member
im going to give her some half strength veg nutes in the morning , should that get some green back into her , I don't think it will be too long before the whole plant is yellow as it's already lost a fair bit of leaves this last week n a half


Well-Known Member
Nobody can tell you what that strain is from a picture. You won't get those yellowing leaves green again.


Well-Known Member
It's likely a Sativa dominant hybrid from the shape of the thin leaf blades.

You have to check the trichomes on both upper and lower buds and wait for them to average a milky-white color (with a few amber ones mixed in). Don't get impatient and harvest them when the trichomes are still clear. My guess....just a that you have at least another month before harvest.

Doesn't look too bad for a first try. You'll learn more with every subsequent grow.


Active Member
Yeh I know the leaves that are yellow have no chance of turning around I'm just hopeing the ones that are showing signs of going yellow can bounce back, I guess I jumped on the flowering nutes way to fast thinking this was a 8 week flowering strain and wouldn't be too worried with just over 2 weeks to go but now that it sounds like I've got another month to go.

I posted in the (marijuana plant problems) forum on this site just the other day under this title ( Plant dying 6th week of flower unknown strain) , tells you a lot more about what's happened in my grow and a lot more pics from Jan to march how its grown and changed if you want to have a look and see if you can think of anything else , thanks mate appreciate everyone's help so far , first grows are stressful haha.


Well-Known Member
Are you getting any particular smells of terpenes out of it. I had a lot of Jack The Ripper shaped a lot like that. It had the lemon thang going. I'd say it looks healthy enough going into final flower. Those sativas are special, it will look dead when ready. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Active Member
Thanks man that's reassuring , the plant didn't have any odour until mid 4th week of flower that has gradually gotten stronger since then, the buds are getting pretty sticky too, the smell has a citrusy orange pungent kind of smell to it , I wonder if your right and it's more or a lemony smell I'm getting from her.