any idea whats wrong here?


Well-Known Member
Heya,, what nute have you been giving them, is that soil she is in? Kinda need more to go off,,

Leach the soil/medium. wait hour or so then small water with dilute nutes.

That what id do.

Take it easy and hope that helps.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It looks like a deficiency. Maybe some cal/mag would help. Also could be salt buildup in medium. Flush first, see if they perk up and then try cal/mag is what I would do.


Active Member
Looks very high in N and deficient in Fe & S, could be a lock out. I agree w/ the other guys, flush and give just pH water for a few days.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys for the replies! I wonder if it could be just the ph is off? does it ever look like that with low ph? usually my tap water is high and so i just bought ph down /facepalm. but last time i checked the water, it looked pretty low, maybe around 5ish, i use the ph color drops and im fucking color blind so it doesnt work out too good, i usually have to ask my gf what it looks like.
If its not the ph, maybe someone could be VERY specific to what i should do with my nutes. All i have to feed is the fox farm trio pack (tiger bloom, big bloom, grow big) and calmag.
My previous grow went ok, but everyone said it looked like it needed more mag so i bought the calmag hoping that wpould serve well for this grow.

The leaves that look bad right now started with spots, then just slowly turned into what they are now over a period of 2-3 days. I origonally thought it was nute burn cause im a dum ass and dont no shit. So i flushed it and fed with half nutes. that didnt seem to help at all. Then i watered it yesterday morning with only heavy feeding of tiger bloom ans calmad and i think its looking better, not really sure tho.
Can someone please give me a good game plan??

Oh yeah...GO RANGERS!!!!!


Well-Known Member
im using a 150 watt hps that really doesnt put out much heat at all, about 6 inches away, its in an open area i my laundry room, temp stays bout 79ish


Well-Known Member
Just remember, the leaves that look fucked up now will continue to look fucked up. Watch NEW growth to ensure you've got the problems nipped in the butt. Everyone else is spot on with the problems with your plants, good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Just remember, the leaves that look fucked up now will continue to look fucked up. Watch NEW growth to ensure you've got the problems nipped in the butt. Everyone else is spot on with the problems with your plants, good luck with your grow!
i wonder if i should cut thos leaves off cause theres at the top and blocking alot of light.


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing and couldn't figure out what was going on. I had been using the same nutes as always and even after a flush and res change it continued and started spreading. I needed to figure out what was going on asap so it wouldn't affect my harvest so I brought a leaf to my local hydro store and they told me it was rust mold, which explained the fact that it was spreading. I sprayed it with a fungicide and it was fine from that point on. Go to your hydro store and ask them if they have any fungicide sprays for rust mold.

here's the stuff I used. Works great if you can find it.