Any ideas oh whats eating my girls?


Havent seen many grasshoppers out yet. This has been going on since the beginning. Any recommendations on how to kill caterpillars?


Well-Known Member
i have lots of both in my yard, i use a organic peppermint oil spray i'll go look at what its called, just coats plant i imagine it just makes it taste bad to bugs


Well-Known Member
If it's slugs then it's easy...they make slug repellent that you just sprinkle around the base of the plant. Doesn't hurt the plant..
The Peppermint oil should stop caterpillars...just spray the bejeebers out of it.


Well-Known Member
Cayenne pepper also makes a good bug repellent....however I have never tried it on weed. ( Simply grind Cayenne pepper to dust and dilute with water...spray on leaves..can add tiny amount of plant sheen oil so it will adhere longer to leaves)

When I landscaped we used this Cayenne formula instead of chems and it worked good....but again I'm not sure about marijuana.


Active Member
along the lines of what ogreballerina said, garlic used in the same fashion as the cayenne he mentioned works for pests, or so i've been told/reading.