Any Ideas On What I Need To Do With These Babies?


Well-Known Member
I don't even see any secondary growth yet. Just try to get 5 or 6 nodes on the plant before messing with LST or anything like that. Also, give it as much light as possible.


Well-Known Member
If that's an option, I definitely would. Maybe a couple of CFL's about 2 or 3 inches from the top. You'll probably see faster growth that way.


Well-Known Member
I would advise against moving from the outside sun to and indoor light such as a CFL at night. Reason being the indoor light is a different spectrum, brightness, no UV etc. etc... This constant transition back and forth will not be the best for you plant. Best thing for you to do and bring it inside, leave it under some good lighting for 18 hours a day and 6 hours of dark. They do much better you plant takes care of different things during the night such as root development. So 24hrs of constant light is really not that beneficial. Then once its a little bigger and hardier move it outside.

...Or you leave it outside in a area that gets good sunlight throughout the day but gets some shade your plant is still small and could suffer from to intense of sunlight all day.

I would repot in a container big enough to last you the whole grow, like a 5 gal bucket for example or smaller if you want a smaller plant. Use Miracle Grow Moisture control potting soil. Its great for new guys has plenty of nutes in it to last the whole grow and retains moisture good and drains great to prevent over and under watering. I use it and love it, I do add some organic bloom booster in flower though. Dont mess with any LST or anything just let it grow, once you get a simple grow done then you can move onto trying more advanced things.
Thnx 4 The Input SikSol.........+Rep Bro I'm Really Appreciating All The Knowledge U Vets R Giving Up To Me LOL.................Things R Still Good With Her Today When I Checked On Her.............Happy Growing Till Next Time


nice plants and every one had good stuff to say learnd lots! im in the stage of your first pic posts bigbudszall! istnt it cool to watch them grow!
Yea It Is ADAiR Funny Thing Is I Quit Smokin As Much Since All This...............Guess I'm A Lil Busier Now LOL.............Good Luck With Ur Grow Bruh!


ha ha me too on the slowing down .. thanks have have they made any more changes how many leafs are you gitting now have you been trimming them ??


Active Member
hey big buds i see you doing the outdoor thing this year too. you plants look the same size as mine, mine bit more stretched tho.

there looking good bro dont worry to much about them they are hardy them mj's your doing fine. y did you move them inside tho? the weathers warming up and they were growing n e ways?

n e ways best of luck this year for ya.



Active Member
R U Doing In Anything Besides Just Watering Perkie?????
at fist when they were seedlings before i put them in there first location i was feeding them with a very light liquid seaweed water at 6.0-6.5 ph but after the first location it was raining alot so i never had to water since. today when i transplanted them into soil i gave them a dose off it coz it helps with the stress. from now on when i visit im just gunna water them with that and let mother nature do the rest. im gunna stay organic!