Any info on Reserva Privada's Skywalker Kush?


Thanks for advice...era triches starting to go cloudy but still a lot of clear...I'm having major issues with a sativa dominant ak right now...super annoying...three weeks into flow and leaves yellowing from outside in anD thousands of tiny brown dots almost rust color dots all over fan leaves and some smaller leaves top and bottom...any guesses? I use tap water and I've been adding calmag...had pH issues weeks ago but since fixed that...didn't realize silica was upping the pH so.much


I keep forgetting how I post pics from phone...I'll finally get it then weeks after I'll go to do it again and can't figure it out...retarded I know!


IMG_20130805_111143_835.jpg. Another more pink top bud on one of the 6 main colas !!!! Cannot believe I did not. Take one effing cutting from this in veg...however I did find one healthy seed on a bottom bud a few days ago....first time I've ever been happy to find a seed in my bud lolol....p.s. thats nothing to freak about right? I mean id see them everywhere and it would look shady if it Had actually pollinated itself badly right???


Well-Known Member
hey triznasty good pics & youre the first ive found to finish one out from seed as far as the sativa dominant ak goes ive only grown out female seeds pure ak which is ak 48 based which i beleive to be different than real ak 47 . a few seeds never hurt


128g dry in case anyones Interested...this was a five week veg transfered into a 7 gallon smart pot at 4 weeks in soil under 1000hps with three other plants under same light.


How in the hell do people get 1g per watt!!!!! That's insane must be in sog that's is mind boggling for me....any opinions on the matter????


Well-Known Member
genetics + environment / nutrients X love = massive yields.

genetics need to be 97% and better. or your gonna get a massive yielding plant that taste like shit or doesn't get you high to get that kind of yield.

Environment, well see most of us really don't have a perfect set up. including myself. every slight bit your temp, humidity, bugs, Co2, or light exposure is off from perfect you suffer. day after day of it not being perfect will lead to slightly less then perfect yields.

nutrients is a big one. most of us follow a chart to grow. unless you popped hundreds of beans growing that chart out, you won't find 1g/w following a chart. I get damn close to 1g/w with my current set up but thats only if i averaged out the best of the best winning seeds I've ran. I've ran lots and lots of beans through this new house and every now and then one LOVES my set up and has the genes to back it up.

I've had a holy grail kush now thats been pretty small bring in 6-9oz under a 600w. i could of easily fit 2-3 more under the light and probably got the same off them. I'm just now running a handful of the clones off the original mother so i guess we will see soon.

I've also had 9/10 of my plants barely bring in 4 oz of some BS even 2-3 off a few. just bad genetics / genetics that don't like my set up.

gotta keep poppin beans and find the ones that show you the most love. those are YOUR babies!

sog helps a lot too. great light coverage is key. no matter how you achieve it really.


Well-Known Member
I know this thread is dead but I'm glad I found it. Ill give y'all my 2 cents on the sky in about 4-5 weeks. Got one as a mother and running a dwc style sog with her. First batch is half way through flower. My pheno started showing capitate trichs at 3 weeks. Very lanky and sativa looking. Great "OG" smell starting to come off her.

Og Dmc

New Member
I wish we could continue this convo. I have 6 RP skywalker plants growing next to some querkle. They definetly appear to be growing slowly in comparison. Are they some what slow to veg?