Any info on suboxone clinics? Good or Bad


Well-Known Member
A few months back one of the dispensaries in Marquette closed down. I know the people involved, great people. It closed for various reasons. It later opened as a pain management clinic (without meds) and they turned it into a suboxone clinic to help people get off pain meds. I talked to a few people and heard terrible terrible things about suboxone.
About a half hour ago I got a text from them saying they are opening back up as dispensary tomorrow. That leads me to want info today on what you guys know about suboxone. I do not know the details of the 'new-old' clinic and not sure if Dr. Bob was the one doing it. Dr. Bob re-certified me and I like him. My details may possibly be a little screwy so anyone with info please share.

I am not sure if they decided against the suboxone, or they didn't get enough people, or if they are still doing it with the dispensary going. I don't know any of that. I am just seeking knowledge of the drug and how it's used in a clinic setting. And in no way, shape, or form am I (or Belle) looking into doing or trying suboxone.


as you probabbly know suboxone is a opiate blocker me and my wife have been addicts for 14 years and 6 years ago started the methadone clinic and its great till you have to quit i like it because i don't really get a buzz since i have been on it so long but i know if i try to get pills i won't feel them and i will just waste money well your probably wondering where i am going with this welll we decided to quit methadone get on suboxone because its suppose to be easier to come off of cause we just can't afford it any more methadone is expensive but suboxone is crazy i am still on methadone 11 dollars a day she just quit suboxone it is 100 a week 130 a week for 14 pills i thought it would be best if we did it at different times so we can support each other and not kill each other she has been off for 9 days and is miserable her legs and arms keep twitching can't sleep she is so depressed and it kills me cause i can't do anything for her it all sucks and all we did was replace street drugs with another drug that is just prescribed i wish we had just quit the dope cause this is awe full the onlr reason we even started was we got jobs and started getting drug tested and had to quit smoking and i had some dental work and got a scrip and i liked the way it made me feel well my wife tried it too and we then both got scripts well after that it was all down hill from there i honestly believe if we wouldn't have been forced to quit smoking we would have never got on pills advise anyone you know to just try to quit cold turky or ween themselves off slowly DO NOT GO TO THE SUBOXONE CLINIC OR METHADONE CLINIC to come off dope the withdraws are awful but don't last a long long time suboxone and methadone withdraws are not as bad but last way way longer some people claim 6months to a year i am not sure cause we have not did it yet and everybody is different this is a very touchy subject and everybody has their own opinion like everything else


Well-Known Member
Thank you for sharing your first hand info with me. I really appreciate it. I hope you and your wife get well.


Yeah, I have done the opiate withdrawal thing. From what I have read in addiction forums, use methadone or suboxone as a LAST resort. It can sometimes be the last thing that keeps folks from the gutter though.

Derek hit the nail on the head, if you can quit it without sub, do it at almost any cost.


Well-Known Member
I had a career ending injury when I was 25, and had a couple major surgeries to try and put me back together. They gave me percocet and oxycontin after the surgeries .... it didn't take long before I was dependent on them. Nasty fucking pills!

I tried the cold turkey thing, but kept finding reasons why I needed more. Fast forward 2 years, and I was still taking those damn pills. I had a friend that was taking methadone, and started buying some off of him. I tried quitting, felt like shit, bought more, tried quitting, felt like shit, bought more. Rinse repeat. I then got a script for suboxone ..... and that was the last opioid I have ever done. There was definitely a detox period coming off of those, but I gradually stepped my dosage down over a couple month period, and had pretty good experience with them.

No matter how someone does it, you will have 6+ months of feeling like a zombie while your body purges itself of the toxins you have been feeding yourself. There is no magic bullet, but I did find suboxone to be the best of the options I had available.


Well-Known Member
Best of luck Derek to you and your misses. You will feel like shit, and question whether you will ever feel yourself again. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, though! I took opiates for the better part of 3 years, and I was really scared that I fucked my brain up and would never feel normal again. That was about 8 years ago, and I mentally feel great! I'm clear headed, functional, and happy that I kicked that habit when I did. I honestly don't crave those pills either. Someone would have to pin me down and force one down my throat.

I wish you all the best!


Well-Known Member

i really feel bad for folks with addict personalities.

that shit is fucked.


Well-Known Member
Iam a recovering addict of 2 yrs,and all I can say is suboxone saved my life.At first I was affraid to try it because I thought it would leave me with withdrawll sickness,but it didnt ,it had me feeling like I did befor I got on the vikes,it left me feeling normal and took away all the depression I was feeling over being an addict.I started off on 2 8mg films a day (couldnt stand the pills ,so the doc put me on the films) and now iam down to 1 8mg film split into halfs.I can say that ive experienced no bad side effects or anything negative about them.Honestly tho just like anything else,they will only work if your ready to quit and are at the end of your rope.


takeing them you will have no problems its when you are on 0 mg a day that's when shit hits the fan maybe your different i hope so and good luck i have been on morphine for 8 years b4 methadone i feel great on methadone untill i try to quit which i have done twice once for a year and once for 7 months and don't ask me why i keep going back cause i don't know myself alot of people say suboxone has no withdraws tell that to my wife while she is screaming crying trying to sleeep but cant cause her leds and arms are twitching so bad i wish i had never seen a pill a needle or any of that crap


oh yeah she was down to a little chip off a pill when she quit prob 1mg no way its more than 2mg and its been almost 2 weeks and she looks like the living dead


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you suboxone saved my life, I was taking vicodin's daily because of a motor accident, got hooked on them for 5 years, started taking 1 a day, end up taking 20 or more daily, I used suboxone to get off them several times, and I haven't took a vicodin in over 70 days, and I haven't took a suboxone in over 40 days, I helps the first few weeks of withdraws when you can't handle it no more, Trust me I got my life back, I haven't taken a single pain pill since, I feel so much better, This pill is a life saver.


im too high to type but i was hooked on methadone i stopped 2 years ago tried suboxone didnt work but a trama doctor put me on gabapenton it took away 95percent of withdrawl symptoms almost killed me stay away at all cost

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Well I'll interject here. Yes I am doing pain management, certifications, and suboxone therapy in Marquette. It is one of my main offices and the base of my Western UP operations.

I started using suboxone in 2006. It was through my work with narcotic addiction that I first became interested in medical cannabis (narcotic withdrawal symptoms are primary indications for marijuana) and the combination of marijuana and suboxone as a means of weaning folks rapidly off narcotics was especially appealing to me.

My basic philosophy on suboxone is this. It is very useful IF you realize you are on suboxone to get off suboxone. I don't use it as replacement therapy like methadone. I start folks on enough to stop the withdrawal, generally 8-12 mg a day in divided doses. Once they are stabilized for about 3 weeks, I reduce it by 25% and stabilize again. This continues over the course of 4-7 months, at which time I have them weaned to below 2mg or they are off. Then we go to a terminal wean if the counselor agrees. They they follow up with counseling as needed. There is an outline on my website.

Narcotic addition treatment deals with three problems. Physical dependency, 'sick' narcotic receptors, and 'sick' thinking that makes narcotic abuse a viable (in their mind) coping mechanism. All must be addressed and it takes time to resolve. But trading one addiction for another is not always the answer, hence you are on the suboxone to get off it, and every visit is an opportunity to wean down toward the goal of being off the medication.

It helps some people, but many have strong opinions about it based on their past experience. This is an outline of what my experience has been.

Dr. Bob


Well-Known Member
I've heard of people getting a high from them just taking them or abusing them, I never got shit from it except taking away the withdraws, and massive cravings, they started me at 8mg 2 times a day but I used no more then 4 mg(half of one strip) in a day, then I went down to 2mg then 1mg, I think I took them for a good month or two but the first two weeks were the hardest.