Any Kids?


Active Member
my friends have kids so that means i have kids....i baby sit a 3 month old and a 5 year i guess its kinda like being a parent.....when u babysit like everyday....
and i baby sit mor my friends kids thous just the ones that i always babysit


Well-Known Member
my friends have kids so that means i have kids....i baby sit a 3 month old and a 5 year i guess its kinda like being a parent.....when u babysit like everyday....
and i baby sit mor my friends kids thous just the ones that i always babysit
It's just not the same as when it's your own flesh and blood. I mean I have three nieces of whom I love dearly ,and they are all older than my son, but it's just not the same as being a parent.


Well-Known Member
I'm 20 with a 2 year old daughter and she is such a doll- 2nd child due next March. Stay at home mom and small business owner.

The time goes too fast...



Well-Known Member
My son is 22 and in the military. I have 2 stepsons through my marriage w/ Seamaiden. One is 19 and 22.


Well-Known Member
I had two daughters but they were killed in a lawnmower incident in my backyard. Now I cannot smoke them. I shall avenge their deaths!