Any liberal with a decent sized brain, please challenge me


Well-Known Member
Democrat healthcare for all isnt going to work. please give me one example of the govt saving money instead of blowing as much as the can.

Democrat stimulus/economics doesnt work because it's not supposed to. Obama promised unemployment to never breach 9% but guess what, even after the stimulus we're at 10.2%

I say fuck you dumb fucks that really think any of this is going to work. I'm so sick of you small minded, big govt loving dumb fucks. it's people like you who are handing the greatest country in the entire history of man over to these communists that want nothing more than to tear down the greatest country in the world. you fucks shouldnt have a right to vote considering you know nothing of the Constitution, which gives you the rights to have the dumb fuck ideals you all possess. and I digress. fuck you libs :wall:


Well-Known Member
haha I think that might be the problem. I've been smoking california chronic all day but coming back into the politics forum justs erupts something in me. I just cant understand where these libs come from. how they really belive this administration and our commander in chief bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Idk much about politics but some people just get consumed hearing lies.. When alot of systems aren't working.. Idk lol I'm gone off some mendo purp


first of all, its pretty stupid thing to do to start of a thread with an insult to your target audience

secondly, from what i have witnessed personally, people that are pro healthcare, do not debate about government control

their responses range from everyone deserves healthcare to other reasons why it needs to happen

however, they do not talk about what will happen with government control, so

good luck with this thread


Well-Known Member
I have to say that I am no fan of the Obama team, but you would come off much better if you watched your language and stated facts rather than a tirade. I just don't think people can be taken seriously when all they do is curse.
And Obama said the unemployment wouldn't rise over 8 %. The only jobs that have been created are government jobs. If he wanted to help people out, he would lower taxes, and keep government out of people's personal affairs. He wants to raise taxes on the rich, give to the poor, and has stated himself that the cap and trade fiasco would raise home energy costs for everybody. I know that won't sit to well with all the growers, having to spend even more money on electricity because the government says you have already consumed your share.
It's not like he is hiding anything either. He seems to think that he is the all knowing that is going to "completely transform, reshape America". His goals are of a global government, more government control where the people are completely dependant. After all, having people dependant gives more power to the government, and makes it easier to keep control.
People seem to forget that America was founded and has fought continuously against large governments and marxist ideology. Obama seems to think that people need to pay for their ancestor's mistakes. That "justice" needs to be brought to those who have been pushed down. Aren't we supposed to be moving forward? Why talk down on your country, when you should be all you can to make us prosperous like we once were? The fact is, Obama has quadrupled the deficit. Our country is now over 13 TRILLION dollars in debt. Doesn't seem to matter to him though, cause in his mind, he inherited it, therefore he has no responsibility to fix it. Why not do things that have been proven to work, like lowering taxes, and staying out of private industry. His administration would like you to think that capitalism has failed us, because we are in a downturn, it must be capitalism. It's not like we became the country we are today because of capitalism and the free market. If we would stop prejudging communist dictators, with all the murder and government control, and see all the good they are doing, like government controlled healthcare, we would be alright. Why don't we look at the constitution, get government out of our lives, and live happily?


Active Member
I say fuck you dumb fucks that really think any of this is going to work. I'm so sick of you small minded, big govt loving dumb fucks. it's people like you who are handing the greatest country in the entire history of man over to these communists that want nothing more than to tear down the greatest country in the world. you fucks shouldnt have a right to vote considering you know nothing of the Constitution, which gives you the rights to have the dumb fuck ideals you all possess. and I digress. fuck you libs :wall:
Wow. Why would you want to debate someone you think is a dumb fuck and small minded? I wouldn't.

Been seeing several "challenge me" threads come through. Just state your opinions/beliefs/evidence and have a conversation!

Illegal Smile

If the governemnt had any money they might be able to stimulate the economy with it. If they had a surplus and poured it into short term spending for example. But the government has no money other than what they take out of the economy in the form of taxes. ALL taxes are a drag on the economy. And when the government takes money from the economy, keeps a big chunk to run the wasteful bureaucracy, and spends the rest on sweetheart projects, it has zero chance of stimulating the economy as we are seeing.


Active Member
I am not a liberal and I am not a conservative per say. I am independent and my views go on both sides of the 2 primary parties in the country and a lot of times with neither. That said at the moment I support Obama. Why? Because the country was in a mess before he got elected (and i am not just saying because of Bush. Our politics have been messed up for a while) and doing the same old thing was not working. I have no crystal ball so who knows if his policies will work. But if anyone thinks ANYONE could turn around the country that was in this deep a mess in 9 months is crazy in my opinion. I am an American and want to see the country do well and I think we can do what we put our minds to. We have the greatest military in the world because we invest the time and money. None of this is simple. Heathcare as it is today is not working and I am not talking about just those that dont have insurance. Insurance companies deny care for pre existing conditions and in my case who has a debilitating disease most of my care. I am not in favor of big government but when it comes to the economy even the Bush administration said that government had to step in hence Tarp. I think government has to be involved in military, law enforcement, things like our infrastructure (roads) and healthcare.

So I am willing to have a debate about any topic as long as the its kept civil and its not just dumb libs or dumb repubs. Fire away.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Pluto. I think you're in the wrong place if you want a debate. I'm pretty sure this thread was meant to be another collection of name calling and whining about lib-commie-fascist- obama supporters.


Well-Known Member
It's kind of hard to dismiss the fact that Obama is the most radical president this country has ever had. He has resorted to attacking American citizens, calling them tea baggers and has gone on a world tour to apologize to the world for our past. He said his government would be transparent, and that he would include everybody in the decision making. So far, nothing has been transparent, he tried to sneak the healthcare bill past us, not giving us time to read it, and he himself admitting he hadn't read it. How could you support and try to pass something when you don't know what is involved? The democrats have locked the doors on republicans, and are up for no debate. They have a goal in mind, and will go through with it wether the American people want it or not. He has gone on more trips than any other president in history, and has accumalated the largest deficit in American history.
His plans are rooted in marxist ideology.
Where in the constitution does it say that the government has the right to take from certain individuals and give to others? He seems to think that the government has more power than what is layed out in the constitution. That somehow raising taxes and passing policies that would devastate the average American is good for us.
Here's a news flash Obama, the American people want the government with as little power as possible. We would like to determine our own destinies. We don't believe the government has a right to force individuals to follow it's policies. And with the healthcare bill, if you don't purchase healthcare, then you are going to jail. The democrats response is that it is wrong for the American people to place the burden of paying for healthcare on others. That's funny, because the last time I checked the democrats were saying that the rich should take care of the poor, that those with should have to give to those without. A little contradictory if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
jack is spot on. and I'm sorry to all the small lib brains that I offended last night. I was a bit drunk and was watching a bit on the news about Obama and this mess he prolongs purposely.

to pluto, I love this country with all my heart and have nothing but the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform. but you have to look at the much bigger picture. like Obama's past and who and how his ideal were shaped. the stimulus hasnt created any jobs because that wasnt the point. something like 14% of the entire 1 trillion for the stimulus has been spent. go look at when the majority of this money is to be spent and notice how it's all right around 2010 and 2012 elections. but didnt obama say that if we didnt pass the stimulus that we'd be in a situation we might not be able to get out of if we didnt take action? didnt he say that unemployment wouldnt pass 8% if we didnt pass the stimulus? and now they're out there lieing about jobs created by the stimulus and then after further investigation, the numbers turn out to be a "gross exaggeration."

if people would just take the time to do some research on obama and his top advisers and realize that chicago style politics on a national level will not work for this country.

and here's something to chew on. why does this administration not consider someone who shot 13 US soldiers dead in the name of islam and allah an "extremist" but they consider peaceful protesters extremists!!! what the fuck is that? the administration is afraid that the country is starting to wake up to their shell games.

love live america, but fuck you dumb fucks that wont take the time to look into things. youre like the people who just go out and buy a car without doing any research and then realize that you bought a lemon a couple months down the road. do some research on these people!

time to smoke bongsmilie


Active Member
I was getting ready to respond to what I thought were some great points to discuss by the last few posters but then you have to go and call anyone who doesn't agree with you a dumb fuck. I have tried to have reasonable discussions on this board. I think I am done for a bit. It pisses me off when someone thinks they ARE ALWAYS RIGHT and others are ALWAYS WRONG and are not just wrong but dumbfucks. I will come back to some of your points but for now I need a break from all the bs on this political forum. I am just glad none of you are in power. Going back to the growing forums.

Big P

Well-Known Member
how did we survive all these years without health insurance and become the strongest power in the world?????

boggles the mind how we could have even done it without healthcare:lol:

so since jesus time there has been no healthcare right? but now we should give it to everyone when our country is on the verge of fucking bankrupcy???????????

ok and so im guessing life sucks for poeple without healthcare?

or does life suck because your sick? i got nothing to do with why you got sick, maybe you ate too many lard burgers and your fat ass heart couldnt take it, thats your fault

whats next? why not take billions and billions of dollars from everyone and then create a huge program for morons. call is classes for morons who injure themselves stupidly. after all we cant let them get hurt thier health is so important

those people who injure themselves stupidly have to attend health college funded by the tax payers:lol: hows that for you socialist bitches:bigjoint:

or how about this, for anyone in america who cannot afford a seatbelt we will purchase them one and install it at tax payer expense.:lol:

and what about alcoholics? these poeple need tax payer funding for liver transplants

so everyone, go to work for an extra 3 months a year so we can pay for thier bullshit too. wouldnt want the wittle babies to die cuz thier garbage

what about sally whos got 7 kids from all differnt daddies? can she not afford heathcare or could she of if she didnt have so many god damn kids out of wedlock?

you make the free shit shitty so that the poeple useing the free shitty shit will get off it as soon as they can

if you make the free shit awsome then everyone will drop thier paid for shit and take the awsome free shit

so yea welfare should be real shitty and you should have home visits all the time if you are on it to make sure you are complying and to annoy the fuck outa you for not being able to fend for yourself

and medicare and medicaid sucks because its free. u want somthin cool then fuckin pay for it you grubby liberal bastards!

now picture this instead of 7 billion people on earth there was 40 billion?

at what point do you advicate letting people die??????????

because lets face it, everyone cant be rich, everyone cant be happy and everyone cant be spoon fed.

moral of the story let them die and dont trip over them on your way to work:bigjoint:

and if your not on your way to work dont be askin for shit. just try not to let anyone trip over you when you die from lack of integrety

if you cant cut it then fuckit and crawl into a hole and die. it wasnt meant to be

welfare and assistance is only meant for the old and defensless young

everybody else best to get busy or get missin:bigjoint:

if you get sick and you havnt arranged for your health care yourself then file for bankrupcy

better you than our whole fucking country in about 30 years!!!!

Happy Friday Everyone:bigjoint:

Illegal Smile

We have the best healthcare in the world and anyone who needs it gets it. That is the status quo and the only thing they want to change is who pays and how, and to insert government control and create over 100 new federal bureaucracies.


i tried discussing this with my girlfriend and became infuriated by her complete lack of political knowledge as well as her strategy of arguing in circles

i started off by stating the penalties for not paying...

her response was "infant mortality rates"... according to her we have the lowest or something

so i came at her with another fact, about how this is a ridiculous REACH for the federal government into our lives

"infant mortality rate"

i also say, so even if a majority of americans vote no on this and it still goes through, will you be happy about it?

"yes i would"

she is almost the opposite of me, except her mind is in a box, and its just not coming out

the "government can do no wrong" box

but she also says politicians have always been corrupt so we shouldnt try to change that

......does that even make sense to anyone else?

Big P

Well-Known Member
i tried discussing this with my girlfriend and became infuriated by her complete lack of political knowledge as well as her strategy of arguing in circles

i started off by stating the penalties for not paying...

her response was "infant mortality rates"... according to her we have the lowest or something

so i came at her with another fact, about how this is a ridiculous REACH for the federal government into our lives

"infant mortality rate"

i also say, so even if a majority of americans vote no on this and it still goes through, will you be happy about it?

"yes i would"

she is almost the opposite of me, except her mind is in a box, and its just not coming out

the "government can do no wrong" box

but she also says politicians have always been corrupt so we shouldnt try to change that

......does that even make sense to anyone else?

lol keenly watchout, women are infuriating to argue with :bigjoint:let alone sleep next to after words:shock:

save your battles for the important shit:bigjoint:

like bitch wheres my dinner!?


lol next time your tired of arguing with her be like, wwoah woah woah!!! WAIT JUST A MIN!!!!!

what are you doing out of the kitchen??:bigjoint:
