Any marijuana growing tips for beginners? Please share your tips


Well-Known Member
You're free to do that. I think your missing the point or don't really understand what I'm saying. Yes you learn from failures BUT, you'll have less failures to start if you know something about what your doing first. Your statement about popping seeds is exactly a point of order to what I'm saying.....Hell man, the reading of cervantes sections on room design and set up are the best parts of that book! How much do want to spend on failing to get it right?

If you start with some knowledge. You have LESS fails to your first dial in. From there, experimenting and actually LEARNING from it, is going to be quite easier!

Come on man, actually reading about how to do it vs. the many that come in here and say things about nothing but failing or asking how to with out any kind of growing knowledge is actually, well, stupid!
I just put in my two cents under the assumption someone else would read what you said and not understand it and then in effect would be afraid to go outside the bounds of book knowledge and try things for themselves. Then again that is just my personality coming out, I can read how to make a a perfect grilled steak 1,000,000 times over and I would still fuck it up the first few go around because I only learn through hands on experience my brain refuses to absorb anything else.

I just want to feel included in conversation too. Feeling depressed tonight.


Well-Known Member
being able to PH and PPM or EC your water

Will make you way more adaptive

and learning your N-P-K.. Cal/Mag and then trace elements and such

I`d focus on learning how to root seeds and clones and veg up well and how to kill pests and mold

Then after I would learn more about flowering as vegging good 2ft to 10ft plants is key to flowering off good bud

Also try not to over water plants need care but some hands off time too when your new its very easy to over baby your plants and cause more problems.


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I guess starting from clone normally means you've told someone

I mean if your on here asking for help you've already broken rule one of growing

I mean no one on here really grows...... No tell, no smell no sell..... you know if no one said that already best to add that


Well-Known Member
Marijuana growing tips for beginners: (includes useful tips on how to improve bud quality)

Tip 1: Always Grow from Seeds and Not From Clones
The drawbacks of starting with clones can prove to make the entire growing experience a wasted effort. Clones will incorporate any diseases, pests, and genetic weaknesses of the mother plant into your crop.

Tip 4: Start with a Good Soil
A fine-quality organic soil will supply all of the nutrients that your plants need. A well-prepared soil should need no amendments, or only very little towards the end of the crop's growth cycle.

anyone want to add their tips



Well-Known Member
The whole anti-clone thing is ridiculous. Most people who have done any kind of gardening at all have taken cuttings and that's all a clone is. I think it's an important skill for anyone, even complete newbies to learn and it isn't difficult at all. I'm growing 36 HSO Black D.O.G clones right now from a single seed that I purchased for around $7.00. I could have just planted the seed and grew it out, and got a few oz. This way I will get a few lbs. Only makes sense. Advising against cloning just makes you look ignorant.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
my grandma used to clone tomato plants in mason jars on her window sill. the clones grew huge tomatos that were great.
if it was good enough for my grandma, its good enough for you.
end of argument