ANY marijuana question by DR. BAIGOHAZE


anytime my friends and i didn't say i knew anything but i have a ton of info and i am great with research let me know


i will never have the wrong answer because i will always research myself and make sure. and i understand that i only have posted one grow and that it is cfl but i am in a tight place with police all around and tons of security but i do have another grow complete start to finish and it's 100 percent sativa and 100 percent cfl amazing stuff. i only started do this cause i couldn't find one good cfl grow on here that looked good and had photos of every stage to show what things should look like. i mean there are alot of words on this site and not enough explained picks cause we cant all meet up and show eachother our grows so post them and take a ton of pictures.


and your a liar i must say i def caught you out. u don't give a shit about bad info, nor anybodys grow. i mean i know it's new but hey who doesn't like new. is there any bad info, no, and have you asked a question and not got an answer. there are a ton of postings that you can waste your time and go through but you havent been, u havnt been calling them all clueless morons, u pretty much just called everyone clueless morons. everybody on here wants to be a weed god, including yourself but your mad casue i called myself one or tried to be one . ur mad specifically becasue i said why i was on here which is to help and ur mad cause i am not fake and now ur mad cause you think ur cool cause your from california and you have like a right to talk down to others about weed. and i love marijuana i would love to say more than the next guy and i always did but i came to realize that it's just a plant. it's not that serious. i mean it's great to grow and i respect it even as a religion if you will but it's still just a plant man. and don't say know cause i know your only defense to legalization is that it's just a plant. i beleive it to be absolutly the best thing that ever happened but it is just a plant same as all the others and actually less important than alot of others. so stop putting people down. this is the place to do what i did and post what i post and say what i say. and if i was wrong about my opinion of you sorry you didn't give me much to work with.


thanks for the back u p there buddy and so sorry if you though i called myself A weed god i just wanted to help. any questions asked would never even get an opinion from myself unless i felt it was factually as to my garden and i will always say that if it is from experience or not.i am just trying to weed out all the losers on here that kill it, and only for the reason of shit talking to make them self feel better and my posts (the o so many lol)have already begun to do what i was hoping which is to bring foward the bullshit differnciate it from the good and weed it out. take it easy.i


Plants are green because they have a substance called chlorophyll in them. Understanding why chlorophyll is green requires a little biology, chemistry and physics.

If we shine white light on chlorophyll, its molecules will absorb certain colors of light. The light that isn’t absorbed is reflected, which is what our eyes see.

A red apple appears red because the molecule of pigment in the apple’s skin absorbs blue light, not red. Thus, we see red. Chlorophyll molecules absorb blue light and some red light. The other colors are reflected resulting in the green color that we associate with plants.

Plants get their energy to grow through a process called photosynthesis. Large numbers of chlorophyll molecules acts as the antenna that actually harvest sunlight and start to convert it in to a useful form. Here’s where the absorbent properties of the chlorophyll molecule come into play.

It turns out that eons of evolutionary design have matched the absorbance of chlorophyll to the actual color of the sunlight that reaches the leaves. Sunlight consists of primarily blue and red light mixed together, which are exactly the colors that chlorophyll molecules like to absorb. Light is a form of energy, so the chlorophyll is able to harvest the sunlight with little waste. thanks buddy take it easy hope that helps


buddy if your wasting your time waiting for answers that would make you a follower, so do what your told...and be nice (maybe this will really get this guy going) and listen to YOUR WEED GOD BITCh!!!lol but seriously man calm down give me a shot. ask away or if you think you got it down get off this site.


Well-Known Member
Plants are green because they have a substance called chlorophyll in them. Understanding why chlorophyll is green requires a little biology, chemistry and physics. snip
um you already answered this once, how about learning to put a quote box in your answers guru baig, makes it look like you're talking to yourself/


Misguided Angel
Anyone on this site is quite capable of using google. You are painting one big ass target on yourself by calling yourself a weed god, I don't think you are going to like the direction this thread is heading... If you want to help, scroll through the forums and put in your two cents. And anytime you steal other peoples hard work make sure you at least post a link or where/who it comes from. Best of luck, you are going to need it.


Well-Known Member
Will marijuana grow more efficiently at say a constant 85 degrees than it would it the temp was constantly adjusting between 70-80 as one tries to control the temps with an open window?

How is CO2 supplemented if it requires a sealed area which would mean little fresh air? Or is it given and sealed up several times a day instead of constantly?


Well-Known Member
what is the closest a 400 watt light should be in relation to the canopy?

what are your thoughts on the final flush? how and why please?

is it true that you should wait till the stem snaps (when hang drying) before puttin em in jars?


it would be better if you took ten days out of ur life to get one going and then plant one anywhere youd like. your a guerrella gardener man


it wasn't meant to be a test, as to some questions i would like to work together on and get to the buttom of but okay. that light situation really depends on temp and if the light is cooled go with no less than 30 cm cause if thats a new bulb . that will be givin you anywhere from 3500 to 5500 lumens and i know that sounds low but that in verse square law kills the intensity any more than 55 cm you might as well be doing cfl whispy buds no good. i would do as close as possible with feeling good about it meaning your hands don't burn the leafs wont but about 10 to 14 inches, and i would have to say theres room to play with heat with sativas so strain matters as well the final flush is to really get those salts breaken down so you have a well balanced ...everythings pretty much having to do with the uptake. Personal opinion , if you have alot of light and you feel good about it start no later than 6 days before but no sooner than 12. some people look at it as though its a luxury but you really want to get that done, or else all your here is "well whys it sparkling then". then again with if your able to get a clearing solution you can do up to 4 and even three days be fore harvest. apply just as you would the nutrients solution with wand perferably and 10 percent run off or more is ideal.if ur using a hydroponic system change the water after the first four to six says of application assuming your def which you should be, using a clearing solution. the stems snapping thing is up in the air and that my friend is a fact, some say the buds will take in the nutrients left in the stem and taste harsh if left on that long so i understand the process and that does play in but only for the first 5 days or so then the rest is all just degradation of chemicals and what not down to the best smelling and tasting buds. some say it (the snapping) tis the only true way to proof i am on the fence still give me a day and i will give you my final statement on that. thanks get at me


Well-Known Member
it wasn't meant to be a test, as to some questions i would like to work together on and get to the buttom of but okay. that light situation really depends on temp and if the light is cooled go with no less than 30 cm cause if thats a new bulb . that will be givin you anywhere from 3500 to 5500 lumens and i know that sounds low but that in verse square law kills the intensity any more than 55 cm you might as well be doing cfl whispy buds no good. i would do as close as possible with feeling good about it meaning your hands don't burn the leafs wont but about 10 to 14 inches, and i would have to say theres room to play with heat with sativas so strain matters as well the final flush is to really get those salts breaken down so you have a well balanced ...everythings pretty much having to do with the uptake. Personal opinion , if you have alot of light and you feel good about it start no later than 6 days before but no sooner than 12. some people look at it as though its a luxury but you really want to get that done, or else all your here is "well whys it sparkling then". then again with if your able to get a clearing solution you can do up to 4 and even three days be fore harvest. apply just as you would the nutrients solution with wand perferably and 10 percent run off or more is ideal.if ur using a hydroponic system change the water after the first four to six says of application assuming your def which you should be, using a clearing solution. the stems snapping thing is up in the air and that my friend is a fact, some say the buds will take in the nutrients left in the stem and taste harsh if left on that long so i understand the process and that does play in but only for the first 5 days or so then the rest is all just degradation of chemicals and what not down to the best smelling and tasting buds. some say it (the snapping) tis the only true way to proof i am on the fence still give me a day and i will give you my final statement on that. thanks get at me
i do it just before the snap.... depends how thick the stem and the buds are too....


Active Member
thats actually from somewhere else before it was used by that site guy so reference your reference.
Clever, an ad hominem fallacy, yet your claim is irrelevant. Plagiarism is very unethical, its intellectual theft. Please do not pass others work off as your own. You "forgot" a source from an earlier answer as well, so I'll list it here:
Good article though, thanks for that one :)


Well-Known Member
should i cut off all fan leaves? should i flush my plants? is 18/6 or 24/0 better for veg? whats better hydro or soil? whats are the best nutrients?