Any martial artists round here?

lol. I was a bit harsh.
I grew up in the bruce lee, kung foo era.
All the secret death moves that can only be taught to senor dojo masters.
I bought in and was really kind of pissed when I discovered a 16 yr old with a season of wrestling
can simply throw them on their fucking head.

Its hard these days to sell bullshit.
Especially when some little dickhead keeps double legging you
because you skipped how to sprawl in search of the stink finger of doom.
Can you put me in a skizzor hold?

I think I saw them do it in lesbian porn...looked like fun.
I have studied various styles of Martial arts. I studied two years of Tae Kwon Do, Jujitsu, some ground work as well as Modern Arnis, But Im firmly commited to Wing Chun which I studied for several years and still practice.
i've studied moo duk kwan, tang soo do, and tae kwon do; i preferred the former, but that could have been because my sensei was a woman and she was little and super tough. it was the most fun to have a new man come in as a blue or brown belt, being cocky, and she would spar with them to get "it" out of the way: it was always a great visual. because of health problems, i had to quit but because i've had those resolved, i've been actually looking to start again. 8)
i've studied moo duk kwan, tang soo do, and tae kwon do; i preferred the former, but that could have been because my sensei was a woman and she was little and super tough. it was the most fun to have a new man come in as a blue or brown belt, being cocky, and she would spar with them to get "it" out of the way: it was always a great visual. because of health problems, i had to quit but because i've had those resolved, i've been actually looking to start again. 8)
jujitsu is very relaxing. I had to fight one of my drunken friends one time for beating up some old dude. I'm shocked at how controlled I was.
(he said yes).
I have seen friends do that. Not me.

I do and teach gong fu, but my life and nowadays my health, required it. It's always been part of my way of life whether I was teaching or not. In fact I never did until lately, because I never had the time to devote.
I used to think in terms of "so much stupid or bullshit out there", but I tend to see all the interpretations now as "something for everyone" and don't expect more of them than they are. If people could survive being monks better, more people would be monks.
I see many people who have to set aside time for tai chi just to push back against life's contemporary demands. Unless it's a "staple" of your life, you're lucky to get in what you can it seems.

I haven't managed to save much towards opening a western temple here, but it's a goal. Wanting to go all out for the members and not be a public tour or activity. More of an oasis, since shao lin at Hunan now is a masters in business and marketing from Harvard, with sai dancing fads and theme parks for tourists as the direction. Leaves the traditional guy and regular folks a bit bereft, but they have made millions..... ;)

But I think whether you are in full immersion or getting in what time you can on weekends, there's no way to go wrong. Demanding world and one has to keep one's warrior intact.
lol. I was a bit harsh.
I grew up in the bruce lee, kung foo era.
All the secret death moves that can only be taught to senor dojo masters.
I bought in and was really kind of pissed when I discovered a 16 yr old with a season of wrestling
can simply throw them on their fucking head.

Its hard these days to sell bullshit.
Especially when some little dickhead keeps double legging you
because you skipped how to sprawl in search of the stink finger of doom.
I found the stink finger of doom, her name was Monica.
I also wrestled and tossed a lot of roundhouse-kickers on their noodle in High School.
I used to go to the local Wing Tsun school and they would beat me up for free, I learned a lot, specifically how to get less beat up.
I'm personally really pleased and amazed at what MMA has done for martial arts, cool to see strikers figure out how to sprawl finally, because the lay-and-pray era of the UFC was painfully boring. And yes, as a result of all of that it is a lot harder to sell BS these days, hallelujah!