any mold experts out there?


hi there. just got a couple of questions to ask.
1st. can hash be made from bud with dry powdery mold on it?

2nd. if the soil gets mold when growing a plant, does this mean the plant is destined to get mold and should be discarded?

and 3rd.when hanging buds next to each other after harvesting, if one or two buds get mould does this mean they,ll all have it?

any knowlege is appreciated.


yes if you use high enough iso you can makee some oil 99% iso


Well-Known Member
#1 i would say no
#2 no, if you remove the source of the mold usually a decaying piece of stick
#3 it could if there is enough moisture in the room and not enough circulation


#1 i would say no
#2 no, if you remove the source of the mold usually a decaying piece of stick
#3 it could if there is enough moisture in the room and not enough circulation

i donno chuck i was undere the beleaf that strong alcohal kills mold spores.... ima have to stick with that. has for standard old style hash..... i wouldnt try that some spores may come threw with the kief


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, alcohol does not kill mold spores (regardless of the concentration). In general, the only thing that kills most spores, as they incredibly tough, is ozone.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, alcohol does not kill mold spores (regardless of the concentration). In general, the only thing that kills most spores, as they incredibly tough, is ozone.:peace:
Not true, heat kills mold, bleach kills mold, amonia kills mold, vinegar kills mold and yes ozone kills mold (but is not the only thing)

Google it

I would advise heat


thanks alot guys. the reason i asked was because i just grew 2 plants, and 1 of them got a bit of dry mould on it which has just made me very ill from vaporizing it! the other dident seem to have any but im taking no chances, im gona get rid of them and try to stop smoking the stuff (after 14 years of smoking!). wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Not true, heat kills mold, bleach kills mold, amonia kills mold, vinegar kills mold and yes ozone kills mold (but is not the only thing)

Google it

I would advise heat
I apologize, I thought we were looking for practical solutions relative to processing the hash. You are correct, heat does kill mold spores, but only at a particular temperature and pressure that an autoclave (laboratory sterilizing appliance) can provide.

I think maybe our misunderstanding here is based on a technicality. Once spores have germinated and their physical structure is that of a hyphae (or fuzzy appearing structure that you are familiar), mold is susceptible to various cleaning agents. However, mold SPORES are very difficult to kill: ozone, UV light, autoclave (doesn't kill all spores), and biocides (which are chemical solutions engineered to lyse the spore membrane) are the only ways to kill mold spores. I didn't think that any of these would be useful, w/ the exception of ozone. I attached a couple of links that I could find, but didn't have enough time to find everything. Riddle, if you have some literature that I need to read up on, please forward it to me as I am always wanting to educate myself, but vinegar (acetic acid) is pH = 2.4. If I remember correctly, many spores can w/stand this is pH, but I could NOT find specific documentation.

Hope all is well. Cheers, dak :joint: