Any Muslim/Jewish People on This Forum?


Active Member
Everyone, in my eyes, is equal (except sadists, rapists, killers etc... :P)

Just wanted to know if there are any Jewish or Muslim brothers/sisters on this forum.



Well-Known Member
The Jews can't get back to you until tonight (sabbath), and the Muslims won't come out to play because of that other mean thread...


Well-Known Member
Everyone, in my eyes, is equal (except sadists, rapists, killers etc... :P)

Just wanted to know if there are any Jewish or Muslim brothers/sisters on this forum.

I still consider myself Jewish since it is somewhat of an ethnicity as well as a religion. However, I am a non-believer.

jessy koons

New Member
I'm not Muslim but I play one on this forum just to rile up the idiotic people. It's sad how angry some folks get with so little provocation.


Active Member
Interesting :P Well, it's always nice to chill amongst my logical atheist/agnostic bros. Happy rolling!


Active Member
killing a person is sometimes necessary. defending against home invasion...
however i find jews rather soft when it comes to insults and they say stuff like anti semite and go on about the holocaust.
islamic ppl i feel sorry for as alot of them were victimized by vigilantes after 9/11. getting their ass kicked by a bunch of drunk hicks and some of them werent from islamic countries. nobody talk about that.