Any “okay”Amazon light meters ?


Well-Known Member
You can also stare at your meter until you are blue in the face and it won't show you how to grow your plants properly. By all means do as you see fit, I am not trying to convince you otherwise. I am just seeing a whole new group of growers staring at their screens or magic nutes while ignoring their plants. They over analyze every little detail and end up horrible at growing and it's usually the newbies. Anyway as I say, do what you like. The data a meter can provide can be useful in the right hands.
yeah i wouldnt spend too much time on it, its definitely not high on my list of important shit to do/monitor. i use mine for a total of a minute or two per grow, mostly during bloom. checking how much light the lowers or branches at the edge of my SCROG are getting and checking for random hot spots since im doing LED.

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
I just like being able to test lights and know.
Like for instance veg goes great point blank with t5's, at like 800-1100 par. It's nice to be able to use that as a benchmark when using HPS or led for instance.

Like I wanna say 12" from my blurple is the same as point blank against a t5. At least according to the par meter. But that might be 24" from a 1000w hps.
I get it man, not saying that the data cannot have it's uses. I just find too many focusing on it instead of their plants. All data can have it's uses. For example for my light it's 50% at. 30" for veg and. 24" full power for flower. Adjust the light up slowly the 2nd week of 12/12 until you reach full power over 5 days or so. I don't need a meter, that is my benchmark. If plants stretch I lower light or raise power. If they start showing light stress I raise light or lower power. I don't need a meter for any of that, I have my benchmark, now I watch the plants. It's all good man, if you want to use a meter and use more data that's perfectly cool. I am just seeing to many getting caught up in over thinking and in the end usually ends up hurting their plants. Does not mean it is bad data or bad for all growers.


Well-Known Member
I use this one and its good enough for me, id definitely trust it more than my damn phone lol. You can stare at your plants till youre blue in the face and they wont tell you where the hot spots are or if your light should be in a different spot

My plants definitely tell me when light intensity is getting to be too much. I don't even have to stare at them long....:wall: