Any old school growers in the house!?

You know, i do still have respect for hydrofarm, but when they took over C.r.A.P., and now that their autopilot devices seem to be getting shittier and shittier(failing way more often), I'm starting to loose the respect though.
if ya got a good rep with local dealer,they give me new stock no ?? stay local
if ya got a good rep with local dealer,they give me new stock no ?? stay local
You're talking new CAP stock right? If you are, I still won't buy the shit. I've had so many problems with cap products before they closed, just not worth it. Like, multiple co2 generators getting stuck on:o. Send them back to them and they would work for a couple days and then the solenoids would stick again. Sketchy shit man.
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Used to grow a few plants in the backyard when in highschool 66-68. No tricks, it was just a plant. Used whatever ferts Dad had in the garage and grew them behind a lemon tree as a shield. Dad only cared about his front lawn so for whatever reason he rarely went in the back yard and when he did he just checked my veggie patch close to the house for a snack of tomatoes or peppers.
Not really old school but started outdoors in the early 90's. Didn't subscribe to high times or use any internet sites. No ordered genetics.

No indoors for me. Used what seeds I could get. Used organic mixes we used for our veggie garden. Finally had an ole timer show me a few things and hook me up with some seeds.

Other than that it was all trial and error.
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I started in '74 when I was 20. There was this old guy in town that made shine and grew weed. He liked hanging with young people, especially if they were girls with big breasts (who can blame him).

He got busted in the '60's several times but it was before the WOD and he was just a harmless old guy, so they always let him out of jail after a few days. (The good old days when cops weren't by-the-book rotten pricks).

So he showed us how to start plants, how to fertilize them (horse shit and mushroom manure were both local).

What he didn't tell us (that he knew, Lol.) was that you cut the males. So we all grew seed weed the 1st time until he let us in on 'the secret'.

The local friendly mafia guys would let it be known that they would buy lbs. @ $75 each. (the bulk price at the time for seed weed). We'd make a few hundred bucks and thought we had the world by the balls.

There were 6 of us that he 'trained'. We were given tasks like sneaking over to the mushroom farm at 2AM and filling garbage bags with manure.

It was quite the learning experience, decades before the internet, books, indoor growing, etc.

And every time I burn one, I think of that old guy. We all loved him. He never sold weed, he gave it all away. He had class and was fun to be around, especially when a girl with big tits was around.

He had more expressions for breasts than anyone I ever knew.

He discovered weed in WW II, he told us he first got it off a dead kamakazie pilot who didn't blow up when he crash landed in the PhilIipines.

My dad also saw weed in WW II Philippines, but he didn't have the same outlook concerning it. And that's an understatement and a half. Lol.
I grew in my closet at my mommys house during most of highschool. She called me retarded, not even joking! She said why don't you just grow outside like 'normal' people do lol, i was doing that too in the creek by my house.
Moved out right after i graduated in '91 with my buddy. We had 4, count em 4 - 400w lights. We were straight up ballin:-D Big time! Not long after farting around with flood and drain for a minute, i designed my first set of LP aero tubes, with a little bit of inspiration from a high times issue. I built my tubes for a bunch of other heads and one of our buddies got busted. Wish i could find the article online from the San Jose Merc news about the bust, but it basically said that space age indoor gardening had arrived lmao.

And then quite a few years later, GH came out with their almost identical aeroflo. Claimed to be designed my nasa. Wtf?
my first seed purchace was from dr greenthumb in 96
I'm 27 my first successful grow was in o7 I remember my nephew showing me a video of a guy on the internet with green face paint making a ebb and flow system since then I was hooked my best friend got busted a few years back I had to dismantle my dwc buckets
Not really old school but started outdoors in the early 90's. Didn't subscribe to high times or use any internet sites. No ordered genetics.

No indoors for me. Used what seeds I could get. Used organic mixes we used for our veggie garden. Finally had an ole timer show me a few things and hook me up with some seeds.

Other than that it was all trial and error.
Yup that's how it was with me at first trial and error
my parents had a full grow room in the basement and one in an attic at an Uncles house. from memory I'd say they were illuminated with flouro's and stolen streetlamp hps. dad was dickin with hydro before hydro was a word but production was done in buckets of soil/manure. 1970 to 1974
I often wonder how my daughter will think back about this...
We still call it the tomato room. I guess I will have to explain to her at some point that it isn't tomatoes..
I've been growing since 74.
In the early years I had 2 friends and we all grew outside together. We were so inexperienced I still remember the
first time we saw a male plant we didn't know what the shit was going on .
We didn't know that there were female & male plants at that point we'd only grown females.
Over the years we've been fortunate and have met several people who took us under their wing and taught us ways to enhance our growing skills. Then came the time we got our hands on an issue of high times . That magazine helped us get to the next level. We soon gave up growing outside and ordered some 1000 watt metal halide systems and ordered some seeds from a vendor in the back of the magazine all of this was prior to the internet . When we received the seeds we changed the area we lived in at that time.
We brought indica to a place that had never experienced anything but sativa.
Over the years we've taught people the things we learned in hopes that they would in turn pass on their knowledge to less experienced growers.
We've come a long way the last 45 years
I miss those days when we would just dig a hole throw a hand full of seeds in hit it with some water fertilizer and just go back a few times to check the progress and about the middle of October pull up what was there.
No high dollar soil no expensive seeds .
Just a little water some fertilizer and some patience.
I've been growing since 74.
In the early years I had 2 friends and we all grew outside together. We were so inexperienced I still remember the
first time we saw a male plant we didn't know what the shit was going on .
We didn't know that there were female & male plants at that point we'd only grown females.
Over the years we've been fortunate and have met several people who took us under their wing and taught us ways to enhance our growing skills. Then came the time we got our hands on an issue of high times . That magazine helped us get to the next level. We soon gave up growing outside and ordered some 1000 watt metal halide systems and ordered some seeds from a vendor in the back of the magazine all of this was prior to the internet . When we received the seeds we changed the area we lived in at that time.
We brought indica to a place that had never experienced anything but sativa.
Over the years we've taught people the things we learned in hopes that they would in turn pass on their knowledge to less experienced growers.
We've come a long way the last 45 years
I miss those days when we would just dig a hole throw a hand full of seeds in hit it with some water fertilizer and just go back a few times to check the progress and about the middle of October pull up what was there.
No high dollar soil no expensive seeds .
Just a little water some fertilizer and some patience.
Did you have a hydro setup?
Did you have a hydro setup?
I've personally never used one , I did pick up from my son in law a small hydro system he was using. He just couldn't get any plant to maturity so he gave up and went back to soil So he offered it to me and I took it. I've got it packed away ATM.
I may give it a shot one day !
I found Marijuana in the rice paddies of Vietnam 1969 and it saved my life, I've been a medicinal user ever since. I used to think 'hippies' were whacked because they smoked pot. It only took a couple of jungle firefights to change all that. Marijuana kept me from putting my .45 in my mouth and relieved enough stress that I made it home....literally saved my life.
Some of you probably wouldn't believe that the biggest plants I have ever grown were in the 1970's, 15' tall Mexican sativas....we didn't know anything about cages and they got so big they just fell over and we lost much of
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