Any one deal we with Super autoflowers?

Can't speak for these, but when most autos say "suoer" or "xl" it means they were bread with longer veg times. These are the taller autos that take 5 to 6 weeks before flowering as opposed to 2 or 3 weeks.
I don't have any personal experience with them... But I remember when they first came out. This was back when most autos finished in 8-9 weeks, stayed very small... Often under 12 inches, had very poor potency, and we're mostly 1 cola plants. This was the time period back around 2010 give or take a couple of years. This was when autos were first gaining popularity and also gaining a bad reputation for being small, plants with poor quality and yield. The "super autos" were from breeders like flash seeds and they were autos that grew bigger and took longer to finish. Now days everyone offers "super autos" they just don't call them that. Look for larger autos that have longer finish times. I also believe that 10 years ago a lot of super autos had a bad reputation for not being true autos...
I've dealt with them the last couple years. Their Gelato was one of my 2 best strains. Any problems with shipping or germination and they make it right. Very good genetics. I have several of their strains. I will be a continual costumer.
The amnesia haze auto I'm running now had all this "XXL autoflower" "super autoflower" in the marketing like seven times but at the end of the day the phenotypic lottery and environment seem to play a bigger role than any "XXL" or "super" slogans imo.

I've had GDP autos that stated "stout, indica dominant plants indoors with no need to top, short flower onset around week three with short stretch, 60cm average height with strong side branching". They took five weeks to pre flower and ended up 1m tall topped and trained with a huge stretch period.

This amnesia haze "XXL super autoflower" doesn't look to be any more "XXL" than the apparent early flowering, stout indica Dom plant. It's in a 3x3x6 and I've still got 60cm to the light with another 4" to raise it if needed. If anything is 20cm less "XXL/ultra/super" lol.

Any auto from a reputable breeder these days will do pretty well...If you want "XXL" or heavy yields, nothing beats the controlled veg of a photoperiod.
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I don’t have any Super or Ultra autos or any other seeds
But I do have more than a dozen post in years and I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night
Take it for face value :clap:
I grown flash seeds super auto copacabana. Gets big over 6 foot tall . But takes like 125 days under 20 hours of light . I crossed Mephisto Skywalker over it to bring down the growing time. Had big buds like a sativa.
I grown flash seeds super auto copacabana. Gets big over 6 foot tall . But takes like 125 days under 20 hours of light . I crossed Mephisto Skywalker over it to bring down the growing time. Had big buds like a sativa.
That's starting to blur the line between photos and autos. I wonder if somewhere in the middle, you don't really get the benefits of either?

The longest auto times I've had have been Dutch Passion strains, which I've had go to 109 and 117 days. One was an outdoor and one was an indoor, and they were both harvested in two stages. Compared with the 'regular' autos they grew alongside, neither one produced enough to justify the extra time and effort. But that might just be me, maybe a better grower would have somehow gotten more out of them and made it worth it.
That's starting to blur the line between photos and autos. I wonder if somewhere in the middle, you don't really get the benefits of either?
In what way? The "auto" in autoflower means it switches to flower stage on it's own. That is not the same as veg stage time. Not sure why people still think an autoflower means it's a short lived plant. It is only in the sence that you can't infinatly veg it. A 120 day auto is still an automatic flower. A "fast flowering" version of a photo that takes a few wewks less that it's original parent is still a photogenic flower.
In what way? The "auto" in autoflower means it switches to flower stage on it's own. That is not the same as veg stage time. Not sure why people still think an autoflower means it's a short lived plant. It is only in the sence that you can't infinatly veg it. A 120 day auto is still an automatic flower. A "fast flowering" version of a photo that takes a few wewks less that it's original parent is still a photogenic flower.
Just thinking, when you get out to around 16 weeks total grow time, with a photo that's equivalent to say six weeks of veg and 10 weeks of flower. During those 10 weeks of flower, the photo's lights are running at 12 hours vs. 20 (+/-) hours for the autos. I just wonder, for all that extra electricity and heat, will the 16 week auto out produce the 16 week photo?

I'm doing two runs per winter with autos, I used to do two runs per winter with photos with a short 3 or 4 week veg (often starting from locally sourced clones). On average I'd say either way the tents produced about the same amount of ounces. I'm not the greatest grower, but for what it's worth my mediocrity is pretty consistent! LOL In a 2x4 tent, whether I grow 6 autos, or 3 photos with a 4 week veg, or 2 photos with a 6-8 week veg, I'll end out with around 12-14 ounces total.

And to be clear, at this point all I grow are autos, I'm not knocking them, and I'm not trying to make this into an auto vs photo debate. I've dropped most DP strains because they throw off the timing on me getting two runs in per winter during the cold months, so I'm aware of long running strains, but not that aware of their advantages. But again, it might just be because I'm really not that good at this, or because of my grow style/choices. For instance, since growing autos, I've made variety the priority, which is why I (roughly) SOG six them in my small tent.
thaught i would drag this one out and see if any new info can be added to it.
been looking at flash seeds super auto seeds. there auto sativas as far as i can see, t
they take around 100-130 days tpo fully flower.
every time i go to buy beans from them, there sold out on so many strains, so im thinking there must be something to these giant auto flowering plants.
so has anyone had any experiance with them? and if so, how was it?
i believe they also are sold as XL/XXL AUTO'S
thaught i would drag this one out and see if any new info can be added to it.
been looking at flash seeds super auto seeds. there auto sativas as far as i can see, t
they take around 100-130 days tpo fully flower.
every time i go to buy beans from them, there sold out on so many strains, so im thinking there must be something to these giant auto flowering plants.
so has anyone had any experiance with them? and if so, how was it?
i believe they also are sold as XL/XXL AUTO'S

Im growing Dutch passions daiquiri lime. It’s one of their XXL autos and they say a veg time of 4-6 weeks. Mine went a good 7-8 weeks before flowering. Would get monster yields in a bigger space!

I bought flash seeds superauto copacabana 2 different phenos 1 was 4 foot tall Xmas tree harvested in about 100 days of 20 hours of light a day. Second was a fucking monster . I had to kill it it I topped it twice and it started flowering on day 90 by day 110 it was a 7ft tall bush. Do not grow them indoors. If your going to grow them put them under lights for the first 30 days then throw them out doors . Hope that helps
i thaught this thread might clear up some of the problems some growers have had growing what they thaught were ordinary auto's, when in fact there growing SUPER AUTO'S or XXL AUTOS. AND THAUGHT THEY WERE JUSTY AUTO'S WITH MORE BUD AT THE END. oops
i fail to see how many auto's fail to start flowering within the time frame for asuto's.
on the site they look like christmas trees at 6 - 7 ft height.
thanx for the input