any one here Living in Florida?


Well-Known Member
My wife just graduated from dental school and wants to move down to florida next summer from the midwest...What is a nice beach town in florida that a mid twentys couple with kids can live and have fun?can anyone recomend a place..? preferebly northwest florida..any comments is appreciated.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if you grow. you may want to reconsider

florida has just passed some laws.....RIDICULOUS LAWS @ that pertaining to growing cannabis!


Well-Known Member
damn thats what i was wondering,if they were nazi's down there about weed...I want to move to colorado but she wants to live next to the beach..


Well-Known Member
one thing that bothers me there is the florida housing market is pretty expensive....median price is $200,000


Well-Known Member
we have 26 states we can choose from mostly southern states...she has to wait 2 years before she can take the western boards which includes most the states i would like to move too..


Well-Known Member
Tell ya what man, Mississippi (only southern state that has decrim'd pot) may not have the best beaches inland, but if ya take a 40 minutes ride out to Horn Island you'll be impressed. If Mississippi is one of your choices, take a look at Ocean Springs, MS... it's a very relaxed small town on the coast. Although it's expanded a lot since I've moved from there, I lived most of my life there and loved it, bike trails everywhere, tons of forest just north of Ocean Springs/Hwy 90, Gulf Islands Nat'l Seashore park, the list goes on... and it's just right across the bridge from bigtown Biloxi and only an hour plus some away from beautiful beaches in Florida. Just giving you my experience from living there for 13 years... hope all works out for ya.

P.S. If your wife can get on with Dr. Buddy Brice in Biloxi, she's got a meal ticket for a long time. I went to him for over 10 years and he's still in business, I freakin' LOVED that dentist... now how many of you can say that about yours? Just look at this!
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Well-Known Member
mississippi sounds very interesting now....Thats one of the states on her board list also.I'll have to google that area out and make sure we drive through there on our way to check out the coast this summer..We decided were gonna make a few trips down south to check out what were missing here in


Well-Known Member
Mississippi? stereotypical....but i everytime i hear that state...i think of nooses, creole, black magic and all kinda shit!


Well-Known Member
Creole?! Nah Sippi's got the rednecks, Louisiana has the creole and voodoo! Tell ya what though, them voodoo folk grow great bud!


Active Member
Florida is where its at man, growing aint really a problem my brother grows like 10 plants every couple of months, but u got a selection of places to move in florida u got miami,broward(pretty much miami),tampa, west palm etc its real nice but theres alllllooooottttt of nosy ppl though, just becarful n safe :peace:


Well-Known Member
hey man shrimp creole over rice is the fucking shit..i could live off of that..and i'm california bred and raised


Well-Known Member
trust me.... i think i would know Sippi has got it as well.
Where'd ya see them at? In my 13 years on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, only time I came across voodoo was at Mary Mahoney's restaurant! Damn good eatin' there... You from around there? I'm heading out to Horn this summer... if you are, feel free to come aboard!