Any one know how to make exctasy?


Well-Known Member
well you godda get a plane ticket to Cambodia first.
then go on a hike into the jungle to find the rare and endangered sassafras tree. Cut that shit down and extract the oil.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
Lol ..this is a bad idea on so many levels ....I'm actually glad I can't answer you on this one ....but it will be amusing to see how this plays out ........keep it green


Well-Known Member
Exctasty??? I can't even pronounce it let alone make it. But I think it has something to do with chicken feathers, squid tentacles, and a juicing machine...Sounds gross I know but maybe it will get you stoned...who knows?

But seriously this forum is for people that are trying to grow a natural medication. I am not judging you. You have a right to use whatever substance you choose. Therefore, RIU has a forum specifically for hallucinogenic substances. You may get better responses by starting a thread there...Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
just go buy it. the money you would have to invest to get everything you need to make it you could just find a dealer who will sell them to you in bulk for cheap