any one tried super bloom from lowes

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I use it in combination with my other GH nutes. Think about it as my regular nutes are their breakfast, lunch, and dinner and Superbloom is its Desert.
You dont want to feed your plants a diet of just desert food.

They'll become unhealthy. Just be moderate because it's very strong and you dont want to over fertilize.
Use 1/4 strength whats listed on the container.


Active Member
i started using superbloom after week 1 1/2 of flowering and its doing a great job, its week 3 or so and my tops are the size of those yellow gluesticks you can buy haha it doesnt hurt to get a bunch of other shit for your plants, but superbloom is pretty efficient, high P, low N and medium K, i put 3 tablespoons per 10L of water every third day and theres a noticeably susbstantial difference