Any one want to visit longwood garden?

Had the day off and decided to take a ride to Wilmington and Mount Cuba. An old DuPont estate. Wish I had my camera working but I lost the charger at Longwood. So it is incredibly beautiful. Very formal and in perfect equilibrium between the plants and the insects that inhabit it. There are NO Japanese beetles here at all as other gardens suffer beetle damage all around. And it's because of the balance that they strive for. There are predator insects that kill off the beetles and there isn't the stress on plants that exists else where so beetles just can't get a foothold.
I'm pissed I don't have that camera. Google Mt Cuba and you can see pix easy enough.
I'm always up for a garden tour so if any of you local stoners wanna do this with me some time just hmu. I'm in the Philadelphia area.
Yo Scrog can I lift those poppies just before you leave? I like the leaf shape and the color of the leaf is a cool silvery green. The flower ain't too shabby either.
And mb any other plants u think I can have that would be cool.

Here's a link to Mt Cuba if anyone local wants to visit. It has one the nicest woodland gardens I've ever seen. The view from the main house into the hills beyond is beautiful. They have a nice moss garden and a three tier pond thing going on. They were giving out free Heucheras today also. A $6 admission was laughingly low and well worth it. Of yeah...they got a way cool 7ft bronze sculpture of a Maple know, the winged fruit of a maple spins on its axis as if being blown by the wind. Wish I had that charger I lost at Longwood. Dam it.
Sounds good. Hey I picked up a great job yesterday. Head Gardner for a 200+ acre estate. Full time. Bennys, vaca, the whole nine. I'm psyched. The place is historic. Apparently Washington took a shit there or something. I get an assistant. It's in Newtown, so I'm probably going to move closer to there in a month or so. I told them I could start on Wednesday of next week. I want a few more days to be a bum. I'll see u before u go though.
An assistant huh? I'm kind of in the market for new employment opportunities. Sounds lke a good gig...congrats!
Yo Scrog can I lift those poppies just before you leave? I like the leaf shape and the color of the leaf is a cool silvery green. The flower ain't too shabby either.
And mb any other plants u think I can have that would be cool.

Here's a link to Mt Cuba if anyone local wants to visit. It has one the nicest woodland gardens I've ever seen. The view from the main house into the hills beyond is beautiful. They have a nice moss garden and a three tier pond thing going on. They were giving out free Heucheras today also. A $6 admission was laughingly low and well worth it. Of yeah...they got a way cool 7ft bronze sculpture of a Maple know, the winged fruit of a maple spins on its axis as if being blown by the wind. Wish I had that charger I lost at Longwood. Dam it.

poppies are drying. I could sure use a tea. bad here yesterday. po-po. at my request. wanted a report on file, as part of my justifiable 187 trial :(

skipped the sidewalk sale today; maybe tomorrow.........
Had the day off and decided to take a ride to Wilmington and Mount Cuba. An old DuPont estate. Wish I had my camera working but I lost the charger at Longwood. So it is incredibly beautiful. Very formal and in perfect equilibrium between the plants and the insects that inhabit it. There are NO Japanese beetles here at all as other gardens suffer beetle damage all around. And it's because of the balance that they strive for. There are predator insects that kill off the beetles and there isn't the stress on plants that exists else where so beetles just can't get a foothold.
I'm pissed I don't have that camera. Google Mt Cuba and you can see pix easy enough.
I'm always up for a garden tour so if any of you local stoners wanna do this with me some time just hmu. I'm in the Philadelphia area.

I haven't seen that charger, and I've seen every inch of this place in the past week...........
I'll save a few nice leaves. how should I do it? in a plastic bag? pressed into book?

speakin' of which, I have some for RB.
Well wait...are those bi-ennial? After they flower what the plants die? I've NEVER grown poppies so they're new for me. But I want more than just leaves...I want the whole if they're perennial lemme know.
I'm confused about the trial u referred to...187...that's uh..gulp...murder. U kill someone? Or planning to?
Hey thx man I love the job. I still can't believe I'm working there. It's a friggin gardeners wet dream
If you're hiring hit me up. Definitely interested.

poppies are drying. I could sure use a tea. bad here yesterday. po-po. at my request. wanted a report on file, as part of my justifiable 187 trial :(

skipped the sidewalk sale today; maybe tomorrow.........

Good luck on the move...I buy used tools like my girl buys shoes
If you're hiring hit me up. Definitely interested.

Good luck on the move...I buy used tools like my girl buys shoes

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deep eagle-claw bath tun (used as planter)
free belgian blocks

so much shit. 9 years of urban micro-farming, and collecting stuff from the Delaware river