Any Other GOOD Seedbanks besides (bad) Attitude?


Well-Known Member
High everyone, it's been a while, but I am seriously growing these days. I'm legal, and living in Seattle. LEGALIZATION RULES! Anyway, after so many years buying from Attitude, I'm done with them.

They've botched 2 orders in a row, and since Rachel isn't there anymore, customer service sucks donkey balls. Things went downhill after Rachel left. It started 5 months ago when my FEMIZED female strain turned out male! I called Attitude and they pretty much said "tough shit" since the seeds are not supposed to be germinated.

I explained to them that I live in a legal state, but that didn't matter to them. The newest problem is that they hid the seeds in a new and impossible-to-find place. When I opened the hemp bag, I found the freebies, but not the strains I paid for. So I casually threw out the paper wrapping and silica packs that usually come with any package.

The seeds are now sitting in the trash pile at the waste dump.

This was the fist time they used this method. This was my 12th order in 2 years. They are unwilling to cut me any kind of breaks. I was going to reorder, but thought perhaps it's time to find another bank. Attitude has changed, and not for the better. I miss the good ol' days when Rachel ran customer service.

Thanks everyone, I hope you are all doing well and greening up!
Good stealth bad stealth looks like they cannot make people happy either way. Also please delete how the beans were hidden so you do not ruin it for the rest of us. They have no control over the product the breeders send out if you got a male from a fem blame the breeder not the middle man. It doesn't matter to them if your in a legal state or not they come in through Federal customs not right to your state. Sorry for your bad luck did you pay for insurance?
I just had another very pleasant experience w/ Attitude.
The first batch got snagged in LA, the second shipment made it just fine with a couple extra freebies tossed in for good measure.
I believe the lady's name in customer service is Jody & she was extremely easy to deal with.
another day, another attitude sucks thread.
hey has it ever occurred to you that maybe is YOU guys that suck?

theres another thread just like this one posted yesterday with about 8 other options for you. you should search for it and delete this one. and make sure you find your gear first before tossing it in the garbage when you make your next order.
When I opened the hemp bag, I found the freebies, but not the strains I paid for. So I casually threw out the paper wrapping and silica packs that usually come with any package.

Yeah...that's what I would do....start throwing out the packaging before finding the beans.
Okay here's what is wrong and why you may have a (bad) attitude:
1.) Yes you live in a legal state... not a legal country. I know, I know, are education system is failing but the federal laws trump state laws. Even in this situation of the Feds deciding to not do shit about it.

2.) Attitude knows the above, they are not stupid. They've seen how the long arm of the United States government can get "criminals" in other countries. Does Marc Emery ring a bell?

3.) It's not attitudes fault you bought a shitty fem bean from a breeder. Note attitude doesn't breed beans, they sell them. That's all they do. They couldn't care less what happens once a package hits your door and the transaction is complete.

What you should have done was contacted the breeder of your male plant, or what I'll put my money on is possibly growers mistake based on the nature of your post. Did you order one bean?

Anyways any bean bank would be wise to run just as attitude does. The other bank I order from regularly is the same damn way with regards to "souvenirs".

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but for fucks sakes if this post causes some one else to understand how things work and not make another post about this, I've done my job.
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Not hating but.... When you get your package, if you do not find the seeds, take that package apart slowly.

Not really talking to you but others that will come up on this. If you go slow and really peel everything apart, you gonna be glad you did. If customs got the seeds they will leave a note or something.
Not hating but.... When you get your package, if you do not find the seeds, take that package apart slowly.

Not really talking to you but others that will come up on this. If you go slow and really peel everything apart, you gonna be glad you did. If customs got the seeds they will leave a note or something.
Or the dreaded green tape at the least to reseal the package.
Attitude sent me replacement freebies because some were cracked and included 5 extras to make up for an issue with the previous two orders from 6 months ago. That is great customer service! I didn't even have a pic of the previous issues, just my word and they took it. I'm sure it's all in how you converse with them. Quit using the negative, it's just me against the world crybaby attitude and you'll get much more out of life.
so here is the CURRENT status of Attitude. Ordered a small order on Jun 2nd. June 6 it hit LA ICS. July 15 it arrives at my house with green tape, no seeds. Send pic to Attitude they reship, order arrives at my door July 24th. Open it up to find that two seeds were smashed in transit. The freebies i received had changed (no biggy) and one of the freebies was the same strain i ordered, kind of a bumber as i was trying to get mothers of a bunch of strains.

All and all they were very helpful, shipped the packages quickly, and the stealth on the last one was good. You cannot blame Attitude for beans that suck thats the breeder. Also beans that smash easily i dont want anyway, and that is again not attitudes fault. Maybe they should give them a good squeeze before they ship them, but whatever.

All and all i have another package on the way to replace the ones that were smashed. It has been a long and aggravating process, but i hardly blame Attitude they did all they could. I still would recommend using a different seedbank that maybe the ICS people are not as familiar with?

I fail to see how stealth is a problem. especially with all of the customs seizures and complaints about the tude.

We have come full circle. Attitudes stealth has gone from terrible, to people now throwing their packages away (with the seeds still in them) because the stealth is so good.

This thread just proves that people will always find something to bitch about.
High everyone, it's been a while, but I am seriously growing these days. I'm legal, and living in Seattle. LEGALIZATION RULES! Anyway, after so many years buying from Attitude, I'm done with them.

They've botched 2 orders in a row, and since Rachel isn't there anymore, customer service sucks donkey balls. Things went downhill after Rachel left. It started 5 months ago when my FEMIZED female strain turned out male! I called Attitude and they pretty much said "tough shit" since the seeds are not supposed to be germinated.

I explained to them that I live in a legal state, but that didn't matter to them. The newest problem is that they hid the seeds in a new and impossible-to-find place. When I opened the hemp bag, I found the freebies, but not the strains I paid for. So I casually threw out the paper wrapping and silica packs that usually come with any package.

The seeds are now sitting in the trash pile at the waste dump.

This was the fist time they used this method. This was my 12th order in 2 years. They are unwilling to cut me any kind of breaks. I was going to reorder, but thought perhaps it's time to find another bank. Attitude has changed, and not for the better. I miss the good ol' days when Rachel ran customer service.

Thanks everyone, I hope you are all doing well and greening up!

Sounds like you got a case of the "dumbass syndrome" don't blame them for your stupid ass throwin the seeds out.
Good stealth bad stealth looks like they cannot make people happy either way. Also please delete how the beans were hidden so you do not ruin it for the rest of us. They have no control over the product the breeders send out if you got a male from a fem blame the breeder not the middle man. It doesn't matter to them if your in a legal state or not they come in through Federal customs not right to your state. Sorry for your bad luck did you pay for insurance?

Yes, paid for insurance, and since they "arrived," it's a moot point. Also, I knew my disclosure would raise some eyebrows, but I didn't know how else to "tell the plot." This was the only order of many that I got from 'Tude, and none have been embedded this way. We're humans. Creatures of habit. What didn't help in this case was I got the package on Saturday, and when I was having difficulty, there was no one to talk to. Lol, I had everything working against me, which is common in my life. "
When my ship rolls in, I'll be at the airport."

Live and learn I guess. But Attitude has changed since Rachel left. If Rachel was still there, I know I'd be getting replacements. This was an expensive order.
....idk ive been with attitude since 2007, many ups n downs but not once was it "their" fault on anything. service is always great on information and reships. my only issue is trying to change an order after it's placed....but even that there's a disclosure asking you to make sure your order is correct before continuing... so idk

Rachel left sometime in early 2013 and I've never once dealt with her...
The fact remains if the seeds were seized the pkg would have been resealed with the green customs tape & the seizure form inside would say what was taken.
Lacking that I'd tear the thing apart piece by piece looking for them.
I did. I completely trashed the bag. Ripped out all the stitching and all. Except for the silica packs of course. I've never opened those before.