Any other gym rats out there?

I'm at the gym at least 5x a week for ~2-3 hours. I have different types of programs depending on my goal. If its nice out, i'll do some sports drills then play golf if i feel like it. my diet also changes depending on my goal, but everything i eat is fresh and i drink a lot of water.
no I've only been doing it for about 4 months just recently got my first stripe but I'm addicted to it and it's a fantastic form of exercise plus a great group of people to be around
Thats awesome and congrats on your 1st of many progressions you will earn.

JJ is absolutely a awesome form of not only self defense but fitness as well.

Flexibility, timing, and control.

Just remember position 1st. Lol
Thats awesome and congrats on your 1st of many progressions you will earn.

JJ is absolutely a awesome form of not only self defense but fitness as well.

Flexibility, timing, and control.

Just remember position 1st. Lol
Thank you...and yes ...not getting smashed and position are my only goals at this point.I am starting to catch americanas from side control on other white belts so i am stoked...its alot of fun
I'm a garage gym rat. I do all my training at home.
800-1000 reps per set?? Ru sure ur not on speed lol or do these reps include punching the bag?

Ive been working out at home since march- ive got a mini step machine, a step and dumbells. I miss doing deadlift in gym but thats all- was managing 80kg at one point
800-1000 reps per set?? Ru sure ur not on speed lol or do these reps include punching the bag?

Ive been working out at home since march- ive got a mini step machine, a step and dumbells. I miss doing deadlift in gym but thats all- was managing 80kg at one point
You quoted the wrong guy.
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)
800-1000 reps per set?? Ru sure ur not on speed lol or do these reps include punching the bag?

Ive been working out at home since march- ive got a mini step machine, a step and dumbells. I miss doing deadlift in gym but thats all- was managing 80kg at one point
800-1000 reps per set?? Ru sure ur not on speed lol or do these reps include punching the bag?

Ive been working out at home since march- ive got a mini step machine, a step and dumbells. I miss doing deadlift in gym but thats all- was managing 80kg at one point
If that workout was punching the bag doing normal 3 minute rounds, that would be some workout, 5.5 punches per second, not doable by any human for one second alone
i am still in the fight

training for a 9/11 climb at florida gator statium.

i went acouple of months back to get the feel for the statium,

up was fine, it was the down....told the wife if i fall more then a few times....throw in the towel

as for as diet,

chicken, no dairy , no pops and more water.

i had a kindey remove about 8 months back , 4 years in and out of camp lejunne did it. i always thought the water had a after taste.

put me in coach , i am ready to play
There we go, getting those numbers back up. I haven't gone beast in so long my CNS doesn't remember how to fire everything yet. I was getting back into a rhythm and then bam! Tore some rib muscle, i think intercostals...but now im back baby! I truly enjoyed that 2yr break just growing pot and fkn off being a slob. I was intermediate/advanced lifter when i just fell off i dont remember why dont matter. Im posting to hopefully remind a few of you old ironhogs to get off the couch before you wish you had.
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Hi all) Your courage is impressive. I came to the gym for several years and fell in love with this place and these people. People come here who know what they want and how to achieve it. Not my kind of friends that you get together with to have a beer. I've been training for about 2 years and have achieved great results. Finally, I have a slim and well-defined figure. The only thing I haven't managed to do is to build up my abs. I've tried everything, diets, cardio, fat burners, but to no avail. And in general, my progress has slowed down a lot. What am I doing wrong?
wife signed me up for a memorial 911 stair climb in sept...kicker is , she signed me up for the 5k before the climb,,straight from a 5k right to a stair climb.

she wasnt gunna tell me about the run...just happened to see the registration form

started 2 a days last week , all cardio based