Any other Veterans?


Active Member
Are there any other Vets on here?I did 5 years in the army, one tour in Iraq. Wish I lived in Cali, Washington doesn't do Medical weed for PTSD........


Active Member
Is there anything else that you can claim is wrong with you that they will except. Good luck and thank you for serving.


Well-Known Member
Are there any other Vets on here?I did 5 years in the army, one tour in Iraq. Wish I lived in Cali, Washington doesn't do Medical weed for PTSD........
Call the government not your state officials..For PTSD you should be able to get it from the government if you try hard enough.. Getting it where its not legal is hard but it is possible if it isnt for sleeping disorders or migranes im pretty sure the government scrips it to vets for PTSD...If not just keep on going trying to get it you fought for ower country they should liscen to you if they dont make it public and public agian...Trust me the media sits around all day waiting for a story give them a good one.