Any PC Gamers Here On Rollitup?

The number one thing anybody should know about me is that I'm a heavy gamer. I live in steam, and I love playing them while I'm super baked, especially the ones with good graphics. :o

Does anybody else here have steam, or games that they'd like to play multi-player style? I'm always down for Garry's Mod, or any of the source games for that matter, any of the Age of Empires series, and a bunch of others.

I look forward to meeting any other stoned gamers! :-o


Well-Known Member
I play sometimes on console.
bfbc2 - heavy rain - gears of war. stuff like that and the occasional action/adventure or rpg

I'm one of the few people that wont touch call of duty, everything after cod4 was garbage.
I just finished Duke Nukem Forever and LEGO Harry Potter.
I have greatly enjoyed every Sims game ever made.
I used to have a Pirates of the Carribean account, but I finished the game so I discontinued it
I still occasionally play tf2, and have an Age of Conan game card I'm thinking of cracking open.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Currently playing lego pirates of carib, re-playing far cry 2 atm and just installed Alice Madness returns.

TF2 is just about to become a free game so i'll give that a whirl.

As to steam, it works, but hey, i bought killing floor, it was a piece of shit written by what must have been a 5 year old that didn't even work, can't get no refunds without a big fight though. I like playing games with people i actually know, i've never found the point in playing a game, thinking someone is cool or good etc so adding them as a friend, on facebook those people are classed as the mentally unstable ones or needly or loners or such. In fact online gaming doesn't hold a great deal of appeal to me, they're essentially just good bots, LAN gaming though is something i do enjoy, fuck split screen, pc gamers play multiplayer in style.


Well-Known Member
The ones Ive been playing a lot, empire earth. Age of mythology. Check those two out. If you like age of empires.. Im sorrry but it SUCKS. GET AOM and EE

Annabel Lee

Dude, I play D2 constantly! Lol. I even am a leader of a clan and have a site up. I also enjoy the Sims series, and MMORPG's. I have played Starcraft and a ton of others. I am a pretty hardcore gamer, which is funny because Imma girl, lol. I have started getting into trying to program my own games and apps, and I have started teaching myself 4 of the programming languages out there. Everything about gaming and games interests me. I have played since NES and not stopped since, LOL! I'm only 27, this month!


Active Member
85 nightelf marksman hunter on WoW. Although I don't play much anymore. Guild took a shit and hubby got sick, so after not playing for awhile, I felt like I was so out-of-the-loop.

Freed up more time for my other hobbies anyway, so it's all good.

Annabel Lee

Level 85 feral druid on wow. And waiting eagerly for diablo 3.
LOL! We posted at the same time about D2! How funny! I have 6 accounts, each full. 4 are mules, 3 are main. My chars are FGG-JBDrunkish, a lvl 96 pally. A lvl 95 lite sorc, FGG-JBlizz, and so many others. I have about one char of each type, almost all built minus torches and annis.


Well-Known Member
i havent played a pc game since command and conquer red alert (what a classic game) after that xbox playstation 2 and all that was better than the pc graphics at the time

Annabel Lee

i havent played a pc game since command and conquer red alert (what a classic game) after that xbox playstation 2 and all that was better than the pc graphics at the time
Lol, I used to love that game! I want to try and get the Xbox360 version. That would be great, as long as it's the same as the pc version, Lol.


Well-Known Member
Star carft 2.

age of empires 3

rome total war

basically any RTS< i feel "Real Time Strategies" are the most mind building games, there is just so much going on. when i play star craft i cant even pic up my phone if someone calls or els ill lose.
Theres just no time for that. lol i do call back afterwards tho.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I used to love that game! I want to try and get the Xbox360 version. That would be great, as long as it's the same as the pc version, Lol.
its not that great. IMOP "Red Alert 2" or maybe "Tiberium Sun" was there best production. and it feels weird to play on a xbox controller.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Man i couldn't play a strategy game with a controller. I was quite young when tiberiun sun was out, and i jut loved it, red alert 2 was damned fantastic then after that there wasn't anything i found fantastic, 3 player generals with my brothers was great fun but the mltiplayer didn't have the largest amount of replayability

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Yeah I got steam, most of my PC games that I still play are on there. My 3 year old computer is obsolete already can't play any of the new ones so I settle with the old ass games.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My computers 3 years old, and was mid range even then, still not a game i can't throw onto my big tv. Nothing wrong with 3 year old computer hardware whatsoever, games ent changed much for shit in the time, back when i started computers there was actually a requirement to upgrade, i have not had that requirement in a long long time.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
My computers 3 years old, and was mid range even then, still not a game i can't throw onto my big tv. Nothing wrong with 3 year old computer hardware whatsoever, games ent changed much for shit in the time, back when i started computers there was actually a requirement to upgrade, i have not had that requirement in a long long time.
It's not like every computer they sell is exactly the same. Mine has 8 gigs of ram, yet lacks the proper video card to play these high end games. And they have changed. 3 years ago the ram requirement for most games was 512 mb. Now it is 2 gigs for windows 7 like I have. Where a 128mb video card was once acceptable now you need one that is 512 at least to keep up with the games. Shit half-life 12 years ago you only needed 16mb of ram and could probably get away without a video card. Also there is the desire there to play these games with the graphics as good as possible and changing the settings can have large effects on the performance.