Yep, I'll use it every time I bring in a new clone because people seem to think they have cleared PM with other methods and end up passing it on. I learned from my mistake and won't let it happen again so I don't perpetuate PM spreading itself around. This way people don't have to use it on a whole crop ever. When spraying it on a small clone before it enters your garden you will have the time to grow it out and the Myclobutanil to dissipate. If the clone only got a few mg of myclobutanil (remember it's only 20% of 2ml per 1 gallon of water) and has over 8 weeks till it even goes into flower there could never be a problem with levels of myclobutanil in any finished product.
I've stated numerous times that people should never use it in flower. I used it in the last week of veg for 2 successive crops.
I've never taken in another clone and I don't brush up against people in grow stores and I don't go to dispensaries or get mj from outside souces, this is how it gets in. If I do I would treat for mites and PM before it came into my house. The idea that keeping humidity in the zone will keep it away is bunk. I got it in the middle of winter when the humidity was around 40%(never above 45%). If it's there and you aren't using a weekly spray to keep it away it will come back(the guy I got it from was treating for 2 years before he gave it to me, never told me and he thought it was gone. I don't know why he was still treating weekly if he thought it was gone and he never told me that he ever had it.). People who say they keep it away or got rid of it because of environmental controls are half right. It's much harder for it to survive and take root in a garden with good conditions but it will still take over if it gets in. Bud rot and other molds are much more of a problem with bad environmental controls because the spores are ubiquitous. Unless your cuts are resistant and even then it may still take over under good env conditions as I don't think any cuts are immune just that some are harder to infect than others.