Any predictions?? w/ pics


Active Member
Hey guys, its my first grow here. My plant is 5 days into flowering (36 days from seed), and currently is slightly over 12 inches tall. Wondering if anybody has any predictions to what I may yield off off this plant?

Ive got 1, 42w CFL and 5 23w CFLs.

day36 (1).jpgday36 (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
THREE POUNDS!!! :peace: Go get yourself a fresh pack of a dozen Mason jars! Actually I think your gonna get 10 grams. How much were you hoping for? Your gonna get stoned a bunch of times and have some fun messin around. GL
And yes the 10 gram estimate was pulled directly from my buttocks.:D


Don't be discouraged by this statement: "Don't get your hopes up." Is what an old grower told me. Just give her the love, light and nutrients that she deserves and she will return the favor. Good luck!


Active Member
i think that it wouldnt be to much to say that you could pull over a half oz....ive seen ppl pull that much of one dwarf that was alot shorter...12 inch is pretty big...i think you should be able to atleast get a half...but this is also right strait from my ass...good luck tho...looks good

oh yeah
[Don't be discouraged by this statement: "Don't get your hopes up."]
^^im high...took me like 5 mins to figure this

bob jameson

Active Member
I'm kinda in the same boat as you. I'm on my first CFL grow so I really don't know what kind of yield I might get. What I do know is that your plant looks real good and happy. If you grow happy plants they will reward you as best they can.