Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks the medium should be watered to run off.
Here is a simple guide to help you properly care for your crop, to help you avoid learning any watering mistakes the hard way.
When an educational document tries to throw in some really strange dark dad joke in there ("If you don’t have proper drainage for your plant, you might as well let the CIA waterboard it for you ") it doesn't inspire confidence.
But this is just dead wrong and invalidates this document: "Every time you water your plants, you are doing 2 things. First, you are providing water for it to grow. Second, you are flushing the
waste products of the plant’s natural processes out of the soil so they don’t build up and cause toxicity. "
The major waste products are gaseous at STP (O2, CO2) and most of the other waste products are consumed by the microfauna (like mycorrhizae) that's in the medium and shares a symbiotic relationship with the plants' roots. The small remainder of waste products such as saps, resins, latex etc. are not water soluble.
The internet is great for porn, terrible for citable sources of accurate/correct information
I think that if you have your feeding concentration and schedule down runoff might not be necessary unless you are experiencing problems. But if you are unsure about your feeding concentration/schedule then watering to run-off provides a buffer zone (aka time to fix your fuckups).