Any real help in NV


Well-Known Member
from what ive read, very little. Sorry, even Norml vegas chapter disentergrated then off shoots, and i think they have a meetup now, but no dispensaries, and not a helpful mmj state from the looks, even with the mmj laws.

for grow help you have come to the right place, read up on how you wanna grow then decide if you have the: time, space, money, and privacy

good luck.


Active Member
Ive got everyrthing i need. Waiting on my beans in the mail. Got dr120 600hps 435 cfm 6inch fan. Just confused on germenation and how to transplant from there.


Well-Known Member
The answers to most grow questions have been answered many times on this site. The search feature works very good for questions about most subjects. If you can't find the answer you are looking for with the search feature, ask the question in the appropriate place and someone will answer it. There are some very knowledgable people on here who are happy to help.


Active Member
The answers to most grow questions have been answered many times on this site. The search feature works very good for questions about most subjects. If you can't find the answer you are looking for with the search feature, ask the question in the appropriate place and someone will answer it. There are some very knowledgable people on here who are happy to help.
I 100% agree with you on that I had some good interactions with a few knowledgeable guys or girls on here me personally im not that experience as a grower but I know my shit lol!!! now!!!


Active Member
Vegas is very discreat abput mmj. No disp no one wants to give out cuttings, i kno i dont. But i wouldnt mind a place where mmj patients could meet up maybe swap a couple grams for urcouple, swap some clones maybe give sum advice. Soumds like cali hahah


Well-Known Member
How hard is it to get a med card and grow your own out there?

I am in the midwest and I am saving to move west. Vegas is on my list of choices.

Very serious about this as I have 2200 saved up already. I just want to grow my own and be left alone possibly help out others that are really sick with my extras if it's allowed. Thanks


Active Member
very easy cost more then other state here but it a grow your own state no disp... no grow clubs nothing its do it your slef are you well have no meds here's a link to check out it well answer most of your ??? but thats how it is out here in vegas stay within the state laws and you well be left alone!!! JB


Active Member
Well ive just found sum new peeps in my vegas area!
What are we waiting for? Lets share the goodies? I got nl clones right now.


Active Member
The lv medical scene was HOT for a second, we literally had a dispensary on almost every corner some corners had 2.. The buissness was booming until the raids started! Now no one mutter medical marijuana